{Chapter 8} Lead Proxy

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"Child don't think about what?" I stayed silent. "Child answer me now." "HOODIES DEAD!" Shock came across his blank face,"He held a knife to me and threatened to kill me! So Jack bashed his head in with a rock!" He sighed and rubbed his face,he stood up. "I guess I have to replace my first in command." I nodded,"Is it Masky? Because he's second in command." No it isn't. You need to be taught some responsibility and my Proxy's get treated like rocks." "No they don't they get treated like gods!"

He scoffed and chuckled, he fixed his tie and cleared his throat. "You really think that?" "Yeah." "Well you start training tomorrow. At dawn." I nodded as he left my room,I sighed with relief as I switched off my lamp.

5:20 am
"(Y/N) get up! God you're so lazy." I groaned and switched on the light,"Why? Slenderman said at dawn! It's five am!" "Yeah i-idiot this is da-dawn!" Toby said.Masky stood there waiting. "Fine let me change",I stretched as I opened the closet door. Since it was training I put on gym shorts,a black tank top,running shoes,and I put my hair in a ponytail. " Wait aren't we going to eat breakfast?" Masky scoffed as Toby scratched his head,"We don't eat until 10:am like the others." We went to the back yard as they put lanterns out so we could see,they had me run to the end of town and back,they had me carry weights on my shoulders,and made me do push ups with Sally on my back. "One! Two! Three!" She yelled while giggling,"Why are you even up at this hour?" "Duh I'm dead! I'm always up!"

I smiled brightly and continued, when we finished I was sore and sweaty. "Are...we done yet?" "Nope!" Masky said grinning, he walked me over to a tall leafless tree. "So what? It's a tree" "Climb." "Ugh!" I jumped on to the old oak tree and climbed,my sneaker slipped and I was hanging on a thin branch. "Ah! Toby a little help here?" "S-sorry (Y/N) Masky or Sle-Slender man won't let me." I screamed in anger as I managed to swing my self up,I was now standing on the tree.

Time Skip 1hour later.
"Yes! Haha! I made it!" "Awesome! Now Climb back down!" "WHAT?!?!" I struggled down until I landed onto the trampoline,the only fun thing at the mansion. "Ok you probably want breakfast and a hot bath correct?" I growled and went inside to the kitchen, the maid served me a fat (protein) meal. Bacon,eggs,sausage,and two waffles. I stood in awe as I look a bite. "How ya feel?" Jack asked as he sat next to me. I groaned,"So...sore." He chuckled and patted my back,"OW!" I yelled. "Sorry." I smiled and continued eating,"Masky laughed as he took off his mask. "You think it's bad now? Wait until tomorrow,we do this an entire year." I whined and finished eating.

I sat in the hot bubbly bath relaxing my sore muscles,I moaned in reileif as I closed my eyes. "Save me some water." I open my eyes to see BEN,"OH MY GOD GET OUT YOU PERV!" "Can't a guy get a bath?" He quickly flashed out,I heavily sighed and closed my eyes again.

After my bath I put on skinny jeans,a red and black plad shirt. I knocked on Jacks door but came in anyway,Jack shockingly turned around with no shirt on. Pink blush flushed across his face,"J-Ja-Jack?" I squeeled before falling back passing out. I woke up a minute later and Jack had his Hoodie on,"Uh maybe wait after you knock." He said as he chuckled,I chuckled back as we gazed into each others eyes. We sort of just looked at each other for an hour,as if nothing else in this world mattered but each other.

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