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Jack woke up, it was dark, cold. He saw his breath in front of his face each breathe he took,he groaned. Reaching down for his mask,He began to sob."Wh-where am I? Wheres my (Y.N)!"

" Thank god you're awake." Stunned by this random voice Jack fell back on the ground, he held his legs to his chest. Rocking back and forth, panting he curled onto the floor.

"Why am I here?!!"

"Why because you are dead Mr. Jack!" Death laughed at Jacks confusion, so hard his cackle became ungodly. " In fact, your beautiful girlfriend came here to save you. But sadly, I let her go home. She has a child to care for."

"I...I have a child?"

" Yes, a baby boy. Named Jack, like his daddy."

Jack cried into his cold grey palms,"Please.. please let me see them!" Death sighed, he doesn't care about human sorrow, but....

" I suppose so. But I want something in return, your soul."

" You already have my soul! Apparently I'm dead!"

" No, no. I want the part that cares about the piece of shit family you have. Or never can have."

Deaths words were not music to the ears, more like a dagger. Dragging across a chalkboard, "But she is the only thing that keeps me sane... but I wanna see my baby."

He chuckled like a mad man, the familiar pain shot through Jack's body. Until he saw his son, it was a video (Y.N) was recording most likely.

"Jacky!! Say hi baby, come on." "H-h-hi!" The baby yelled, smiling and waving. "Ah, you look so much like daddy." The camera faced her holding him, Jack saw his beautiful family.

"(Y.N) my beautiful angel.. my son, take care of moma."

" Fantastic! Now for my pay." Death went inside Jack's head,acting like a computer. Deleting every memory of her, and his son he saw once.

Jack may never see the family he will never get to hold or call his, may never know they exist. But they do....

{Eyeless Jack x Reader} Seeing everything. Even you.Where stories live. Discover now