{Chapter 7}

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It was around midnight when a note slipped under the door,it was like those notes I got in elementary school from my crushes.Light pink envelope with a red heart sticker,I peeled off the sticker and opened the neatly made letter. (Y/N) meet me in the south part of the woods,dress nice. -Jack.

I smiled as I placed the letter in between my pillows. I opened the closet and looked around,I didn't have many dresses only three. I had a loose black sun dress, a white spaghetti strap dress,and a (F/C) (Favorite type) dress. Of course I had to wear it,I pulled it out and began to get dressed. I pulled out some (F/C) high heeled pumps, I put my hair in a neat side braid with a blue bow at the end. I grabbed my Hoodie and snuck out the window,once I safely landed on the grass I made my way to the south part of the woods.

"Jack?" I asked,suddenly I was face to face with an upside down Jack. Regaining my breath I helped him down,"Where or what are we doing?" "Midnight picnic love", he lead me to a spot in the middle of the woods where the moonlight shun down and lit the spot. "It's very beautiful Jack." He smiled and sat me down on a picnic blanket, he opened the basket to reveal salmi,crackers,and pickles. While we ate it was silent,until he pulled out his scalple. "Hand please." I hesitantly gave him my hand with (F/C) nail polish,he opened the palm of my hand and squeezed it. He placed the thin blade against my skin,he swiftly moved it across my hand drawing my dark blood. I hissed in pain as he placed the scalple in my opposite hand,he gave me his hand and I sat there. "Go on,do it."

I cut his palm and he grited his teeth,he grabbed my cut hand with his. "Wait I thought best friends did that not whatever we are." "Couples. They do it to,now we are bonded for life." I smiled, I knew that I was blushing because my cheeks felt hot. "Can I kiss you now?" I asked he nodded as he moved in close,"Aren't you forgetting something?" He laughed as he removed his dark blue mask,I moved closer to him as our lips met. "Date night huh?" A sudden voice spoke,we moved apart quickly as we look up to see Hoodie. "H-hoodie. It's not what it looks like! Please don't tell father!" "Well Jack I can't lie to him I'm his first in command!" "But he will have us killed or banished!" I yelled,"Not my problem." "Well sorry I thought we were friends!" Suddenly he pinned me against the tree holding a sharp cutting knife to my heart, "Listen its a dog eat dog world here lady! And if you don't like it I can stick this so far in your heart you will forget who you are!" Suddenly he dropped onto the grass,behind him stood Jack holding a bloody rock. "Wanna go home?" I shakily nodded as I grabbed his hand and we went home,he walked me to my bedroom window and I climbed up the latter. I had a feeling Slenderman would be somewhere so I cleared my mind and thought of my mother,"(Y/N) are you decent?" "Uh just a minute sir!" I kicked off my shoes and slipped off my dress,I put on a big baggy T-shirt and slipped under the covers because I had no time to put on pajama pants. "Uh come in!" Slenderman entered the room as he sat on the edge of my bed,"(Y/N) I am sorry about earlier and I hope you are content."

"Yep,yep totally fine you can go now!" "Hold on child", he placed his thumb on my cheek as he swept it. He removed it and showed it to me,blood was on his finger. "Child did you go on a unpermitted killing spree?" "Yes sir." He heavily sighed as he stood up,"Fine. But have you seen my first in command?" Don't think about it. "Think about what?" Crap.

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