{Chapter 6} Forbidden Love.

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~Hey guys I have writers block,like no joke i have been staring at the screen for an hour. I have worked my but off and have nothing to show for it...~

"Does no one remember I can read minds?" Slenderman said while cutting his egg,Masky and Hoodie might be my friends but they get cocky because they are his first and second in command. "Yes sir,they need to remember you are the most powerful." Hoodie said,Masky quickly nodded his head yes. "Thank you Tim and Brian,Jackson please let go of (Y/N) hand." "B-But sir-" "No arguing or excuses Jackson."

Jack quickly let go of my hand,I put it back on the table and continued eating."(Y/N) if you have something to say to me say it to the whole table." I cleared my throat,took a deep breath and stood up. "I-I think you should let us date...we either killed or got taken from our families,we should be able to love again."

"I had to take you from your father you had no one else to go to." "Maybe I did you just didn't wait long enough." "Go to your sleeping quarters." "Gladly!" I put my napkin down and ran upstairs,I closed the curtains and crawled into bed.I thought of my poor mother,I had to sit and watch her get killed."

Flash Back 8 Years.

"(Father name) wh-what are you doing? Your scaring me!"

"Shh don't worry your daughter will be with you soon."

I was hiding behind the stair railing when I saw him jab the knife into hers stomach,he stabbed her five more times until she fell down the stairs. My crying gave away where I was,I ran past him and into the woods.

I heavily sighed as a tear dripped down my nose. I drifted asleep,suddenly I was in a beautiful scenery. It was the woods while snow was falling,I look up to see my mother and she had angel wings. "Mom? Where...am I?" "We are in your mind darling, your dreaming."

"If we're in my mind,why do you have angel wings?"

"You do know I'm dead don't you?"
We both smiled and chuckled,I picked up an icecle and looked at it."(Y/N) you can't love Jackson,Slenderman doesn't want it." "But I don't care what he wants,I want you back." "I know honey but I can't come back,now you need to wake up."

"No not until you tell me why your here!"
"(Y/N) wake up."
"What did you come here to torture me and make you miss you more?"
"Get up."
"That's just typical mom I guess!"
"GET UP!" I gasped as I sat up and woke up,I look to the side to see an old proxy. Shadow runner. (Isn't that his name?) "Sh-shadow?" "Sshhh." He brought a neck to my knife as he pinned me down,I didn't fight nor scream or cry. "Do it." Was all I said,his dark laughter and sinister grin frightened me. "You want to die miss?" "No she doesn't!" I craned my neck to see Jack in the doorway,he tackled Shadow to the cold wood floor. "Jack get off him! He's just doing his job and I want him to!" Jack threw him out and locked my door as he sat down next to me, "You want to die?"
I shrugged as he took off his mask and threw it at the wall. "You can't die. I told you if you leave I'll break,forever." I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck,"I-I love you Jack." He smiled and nuzzled into my neck. He kissed my cheek as he grabbed my shoulders tightly,"I wanna take you somewhere special later. Be awake at midnight." "Past curfew?" He nodded and left my room.

I loved him but I am losing all my sanity. Basically my mind.

(A/N) hope u liked it but u prob didnt T-T

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