{Chapter 15}

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I poked my BBQ sandwich and Jack smirked,"Don't like your food love?" "Hm? N-no its great. I'm just not that hungry."

He placed his cold hand on mine,"Love you." "Love you to." I responded with a gentle smile. He pecked my lips,he picked up our plates. I kissed him and walked upstairs, of course he followed.

Once we changed into our pj's he layed next to me. He wrapped his warm arm around me and I switched off the oil lamp.

"Goodnight." I said,"Same to to love."

Next morning.

I woke up next to a snoring Jack, I pushed off the covers and walked downstairs. I frowned tiredly and sat at my spot at the dining table. The maid placed oatmeal in front of me,and I smiled.

I took a bite and looked around. Jane was flirting with Masky,"freaks." I said to myself,when Jack came down he seemed a little flustered. "What's wrong?" I whispered to him,he looked at me and back at his oatmeal.

Slenderman cleared his throat, and we all looked at him. "Solo missions tonight." We nodded,"Maid Addy,bring me my list. When 'Addy' brought him the list he unfolded it and I crossed my fingers.

I didn't want to be on a solo mission,it was highly dangerous. "Timothy,(Y.N),and BEN."

"Why?" Was all Jack said,"Excuse me Jackson?" "Shes gonna get killed by herself!", " Its not your decision child." Jack slammed down his fork and and walked outside,I stood up and walked out trying to follow him.

Note: I know its short my squids. Sorry.

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