{Chapter 3} Always Have Cared

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Pain... Fake but feels so real.
I grabbed his Hoodie wrist and pull him back."Since when have you liked me?" "(Y/N) I have always liked you. I've always cared." He wasn't wearing his mask, all you see his light pink flush his face. I smiled and let go of him,he gently shut my bedroom door. I smiled deeply as I switched off the lamp,I heavily sighed and rolled over and went to sleep.

Next Morning.

I put on a light blue hoodie,(F/C) leggings,and a black crop top. I trudged down the old creaky steps,Toby was wearing waffle pajama pants. "Nice pj's little Timmy." I said lightly slapping him,he slapped me back until Slenderman interrupted. "Children please stop the violence and eat your meals." "Yes sir." We responded,on my way to the table I tripped over smile dog. "That girl needs to stop falling." Jane yelled,I frowned and dusted off. I see legs stand in front of me,"I suppose you expected me to catch you again?" I look up to see Jack offering me a hand up,i take it and smile. "Thanks...again Jack." I tried to make my way to the dining room but he gently grabbed my forearm,he pulled me back and took me to the back porch."Can I help you with something?" "How do i tell you how i feel?" "What do you mean?" "I-I feel as if I need you,or I will literally snap inside." I stayed silent,I have been waiting for this moment for eight years.Now that it's here I don't know what to do.

"(Y/N) tell me what to do,how do i show my...affection?"

"H-hug me!" He had a confused look on his face, he hesitantly wrapped his arms around me.But immediately melted into it. I haven't felt another human being holding me in years,"Th-this feels nice." I said as a tear strayed from my (E/C) eye,"May I try something?" I nodded as he slipped off his deep blue mask,he dropped it on the wooden porch.I soon felt his cold grey lips against mine,it felt as if someone loved me deeply.I pulled away with shock painted across my young face,"Whats wrong? am I doing something wrong?" "No no not at all its just that...that was my first kiss." He smiled,"Mine too." I pulled away and went inside,i walked into my room and i locked the door.I pulled out a sketch book and started to draw Jack,i pictured him with deep blue eyes. (yes i kno it sounds weird but your in love)I heard a very angry knock abrupt my door, i hid my book under the pillow and got up to answer it. A very pissed off Jeff was there,he pushed past me as he shut and locked the door. "What the heck Jeff?" He rubbed his cheeks as he punched the wall,leaving a fist sized hole."You kissed him?" "Yeah? So?"

"I told you I loved you,doesn't that mean anything to you?" I stayed silent like always,"Jeff you knew-you know! I care for Jack! doesn't that mean anything to you?" He scoffed,"yeah...I guess Not."

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