{Chapter 17}

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I am sorry for my lack of updates I always get depressed in the late summer and rainy days. And where I am its been Raining A LOT. ♥♡♥♡♥ • 3•

I was now angry because Timothy and BEN got big families, I had the rake. I thought I killed him but aren't we all immortal? I got to his dungeon and found an area for me to crawl through, I couldn't hold the dagger any more so I put the blade in my mouth to hold it.

Suddenly I felt skinny fingers wrap around my ankle, they grabbed me and pulled me out. Jack. "(Y.N) i'm sorry but I can't let you go in there." "I can handle this, please let go of me." "I'm sorry but I can't do that." I looked into his eye sockets with despair,"You need to let me go." He put his other hand to my cheek,I jumped down the hole. "(Y.N)!" I could hear him screaming,until i hit the mud.

I grunted and stood up, "Ah My guest has arrived." It echoed. I felt a cold hand on my mouth,and it went white. I woke up in a fuzzy gaze,I heard a voice but couldn't see the figure. "Let us go!" I heard lots of struggling and chains rattling. I blinked a few times and looked down at my wrists and ankles,chained to the floor.

I didn't know what was going on until I blinked,I hadn't jumped yet. "What was that?" I asked Jack,I asked sounding crazy. "What was what?" "THAT" He looked confused as he pulled me up,"You need to go. Now" "No I'm not leaving you here to die!" " I heard a scratching and panicked,I covered Jacks mouth with my sleeve and gently shushed him. "Shhhh." He gently removed my hand,but didn't listen. "Why? You know I am only doing this because I care love." "Be quiet."

"Why?" The rake burst through his mud tunnel,grabbing Jack and throwing him into the concrete wall,blood painting on that said wall. I screamed in horror,as I was next. Except I didn't bleed. Jack was studdering in pain,I crawled over to him. I placed his head on my lap. "Wh-what can I do?" "Run.."

I looked behind me and the rake was charging towards me,I held Jack tight. And thought of me protecting him,I looked up and opened my eyes. We were in a blue crystal globe, I smiled. I was stunned by the rake, growling and smashing against it.

I looked down at Jack, his body was limp and cold,"Jack? D-darling?" He wasn't breathing, "Jack!" I screamed, I pressed my ear to his chest. No heart beat. I sobbed,whispering to him. "Please baby...please." I ran my fingers through his dark brown hair.

Once the rake gave up, I waited for slenderman to telaport us home. When we got their, Masky and Toby were digging a grave. Already?

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