{Chapter 16}

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"Jack!" I yelled,I sped up to try to catch-up with him. My feet squishing on the muddy wet grass. He just hurried up and walked faster,away from me.

"Jack!" I grabbed his shoulder and he harshly turned around to face me. His dark brown hair covering his "eyes." I pursed my lips shut,"Why did you storm out like that?"

"Why does he have to make you go? Your not ready." "Jack I've been a proxy since I was fifteen. I think I can handle it." He furrowed his brow,I took a step towards him.

He turned around,I saw his hand and it ran through his hair. I walked to him and rested my head on his wet grey T-shirt. The rain got harder and he sighed. "Just don't get yourself killed." He walked back to the house and went into the old mansion.

I sat down in the wet grass,my (F/C) pajamas getting soaked. I sat up a little and hugged my legs to my chest,I heard a sniffle and I looked to my side. Smile dog sat by me,he was ugly and all but cute at the same time.

"Hey boy. Why don't you go inside? It's wet and rainy." He whined and curled up under my arm,I pet his bloody back. When I went inside I grabbed an old towel and dried off my hair and face. I put on jeans,a black hoodie and my converse.

I had two hours to prepare for my solo killing so I was preparing. "(Y.N) areyou ready?" Slenderman said through the door. I took a deep breath, ignoring Jacks soft begs for me not to go.

But he doesnt care anymore.

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