{Chapter 11} Fight me

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"Hehe" I said as I messed with my magic,I swirled blue and black roses in the air. I held still and didn't move,as did the roses. I flopped on my bed and they fell to the floor. I heard a slight knock on the door,I sat up and flicked my finger making the door swing open. Jack stood in the doorway smirking,he walked in and sat on the edge of my bed. I gently lifted a small rose from the floor and placed it on his nose,he smirked and picked it up.

I walked over to my old cracked mirror, lighting my powers my eyes grew dark blue. "You look beautiful love." "Thank you." My wings flapped with joy,"Its my pleasure." He walked behind me,he brushed off my left wing and kisses my cheek. "But really you don't think it's to much?" "Its perfect darling." I smiled and pushed my black hair out of my face,i inhaled sharply as I walked out of my room and Jack followed. We were sitting at the dining table eating when the window shattered,there stood the rake. I shot at it while LJ used his claws on him,"Someone get behind him!" Toby yelled as he cut off one of his long sharp fingers,I flapped my wings and hovered above him. I smashed a chair over his head as swirled around my finger,a beautiful blue and black shard shot out and into his shoulder. He hissed and grabbed me,ripping my wing making me drop to the ground.

I whinced in pain and crawled under the table,"S-someone hel-p (Y.N)" Toby screamed. Ben crawled under the table and grabbed my wing. "Ow! You little punk!" I yelled viciously,he rolled his eyes as he went back out to battle. In pain I got an idea,I swirled roses around my finger and touched my wing. I hissed in pain as the flowers sealed and coated the tear,I smiled as I shot through the table. I repeatedly and angrily shot glass shards at his chest he growled and fell through the broken window,I flew out. I jumped onto him and stabbed his chest,I growled and screamed. I finished him and sliced off his head,he choked on his blood and gave up. I chuckled and grinned darkly,"Love are you ok?"

He placed a hand on my shoulder,I smacked it off. "Don't...touch me!"

Jacks POV
She turned to face me,and instead of beautiful blue glowing eyes they were solid black like her hair. "Love I don't know what's wro-" she quickly used dark magic and threw me against the house,I cracked the old garage door. She darkly chuckled as she was aiming a glass shard of blue at my neck,"Any last words?" "I don't wanna hurt you."

"Oh don't worry you won't." I pulled out my scalple,"Don't make me do this!" She shot shards shards at me but I rolled over to the other side. She shot shards out of her hands and ran at me,all I had was a big stick to stop those. It was like a sword fight,"Uh anybody wanna tell me what's er you know...GOING ON?!?" I saw Masky scrambling pages in a book,"Er uh well you see she had blood lust AND her dark magic is overwhelming her human form." I pinned her down with the branch,I leaned in and whispered. "I'm trying to help you." She hissed,"Help yourself!" She kicked me off and I flew into the deck,breaking the podeums. I groaned and layed there,she walked over to me. Her flowers brewing a storm behind her,"Love never lasts does it my darling?" I frowned as she lifted off my mask covered in dirt and my tears,she kissed me roughly on the lips and held the shard to my neck.

Suddenly she screached out in pain as she fell to the grass,I crawled over to her. She grabbed my arm in pain,I screamed because her strength broke it. I fell next to her squeezing my arm,her flower storm turning into a tornado and surrounding us. She was now unconscious, her solid black hair turning white as snow.

One year later. Readers POV
I woke up strapped to a hospital bed,I frowned in confusion and looked around. On my side I see Toby sitting by the bed,"H-holly crap your awake! Guys! Guys!" He ran upstairs,I giggled and soon Jack ran down to me. His left arm looked bigger,"What's with your arm?" He lifted up his Hoodie sleeve to reveal a big cast. "What happened?" He heavily sighed as he pulled his sleeve down again. "You happened. You went crazy and tried to kill me,you have been in a coma for a year." Tears sweled in my eyes as I tried to get out. "Get me out of this thing", I started struggling trying to break them. Jack held me down and unhooked the belts,I sat up and rubbed my eyes. My hair was silver. " What the heck?" "Your hair changes color and shade under your stress." So if it turns white we have to strap you down again." I cannot really be evil can I? I couldn't really have tried to kill Jack.


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