{Chapter 14} Death Of A Father.

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I limped into town and to my old house. It looked run down,weeds growing on the sides of the bricks. I growled at the condition and walked to the door,I silently twisted the knob and walked in. I heard the TV on and I ducked under the stairs.

I heard the shaky fridge door open and I watched him grab a beer. He opened it and I walked up and shut the door for him, stunned he put down his beer and scurried to grab a knife.

"Daddy it's me." "No my daughters dead." "I'm not...you just left me there TO die. After YOU attempted to kill me." I jumped at him,anger filling me.

I made a storm of roses and they held him down by his wrists and ankles. Tears falling from my eyes. "You killed Moma... And tried to kill me,you left me there with a monster." "S-sweetheart."

"It's to late for that daddy. What I am today... Is because of you. Sweet dreams." Sobbing,I slit his throat. He choked on his dark red blood as it pooled onto the floor,he gave in and death took over.

I walked upstairs and into what used to be my room,the same bed was there. Everything was there,I picked up my old teddy bear. I held it close as I lay on the pink dusty covers,I kissed my bear and closed my (E/C/E) sleeping in what used to be the safest place on earth.

I once again drempt of my mother. "Hello baby." She said,her voice like melting butter. "I don't wanna be here if your gonna leave me in question again." She shook her head no,she placed a cold pale hand on my cheek.

I took it and held it,"(Y/N) why did you come back here?" I shrugged,"Please awnser before you wake up." "Because! He left me there! Not knowing what Slenderman was!"

I cried and scoffed at my own actions. She gasped and looked up,"Darling wake up! He knows where you are." I woke up,heavily exhaling. The sun beat down on my pale (S/C) skin through the window.

I was in my child hood bedroom,I gently placed the bear in my knife holster. I knew people would find it odd I was sneaking out,so I climbed out the bathroom window.

It was only 8:00 am so half of the proxies were sleeping. I snuck through the backdoor and up to my room,I put on my pajama bottoms and a (F/C) shirt.

I got under the covers right when I heard a loud knock on the door,"Time to get up." Jack opened the door and I acted as if he had woken me,"D-did you cut yourself?" "Hm?" I furrowed my brow as I looked at my hand. Blood was leaking down my arm,"Er...I guess so."

He grabbed a tissue from my nightstand, he wiped my hand clean. "I can't seem to find any cuts?" I pulled my hand away and he smirked. "Might you be hiding something darling?"

Pink flushed across my face,because he had his pale grey arms around my waist. He passionately kissed me,his kisses were rough and hungry. As mine were soft and caring,he smirked as he pulled away from me.

"Why are you acting so shy?" I shrugged and crossed my legs,"I just don't feel like kissing and the make outs right now." He nodded and sat an inch further away from me,"May we just cuddle? Enjoy one another's company? "

He smiled at my words as he lay back down,opening his arms for me. I curled into him and rested my head in the crook of his neck, feeling his pulse. His warm breath hitting the top of my hepieces,I love you." Were his words before we both fell back asleep.

I woke up with Jack still sleeping,I looked at my watch. 12:56? I yawned as I gently patted his chest awake,he groaned and burrowed into my pillow. "What time is it?" "Late." Was all I responded, he rubbed his "eyes" and sat up. He stretched and grabbed my hand,we walked downstairs to notice it was a slow day.

There were no missions and Slenderman was off scaring people in the woods. Luring them to the mansion were Masky and Toby kill them,I sat in the den and watched Ben and Dark argue about God knows what.

I huffed and looked over at Sally,she looked disappointed. "Something wrong kid?", "Everyone hates me." "You know that's not true. Do you want me to play tea with you?"

Shockingly she declined,dumbfounded I went back to my thoughts. They were not positive. In fact they frighten me. Something snapped and I stood up,I walked up to the bathroom. The ONLY one with running water,I pulled out a sharp razor blade and pressed it to my arm.

Repeating this action until Jack opened the door with hurt in his eyes. He grabbed the sharp item and than my arm,"Heal it." "No I don't want to." He frowned and I groaned,"I pressed my finger to each of the cuts. The blue roses making a seal,"There. Happy?" He kissed my cheek and lead me to my room,"What are we doing here?"

"I liked... How we layed there and just cuddle. Can we do it again?" I smiled and lay on my creaky bed,he rested with me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I rested on his arm and exhaled.

"I wanna go old with you... Die with you." I said. He held me tighter and our bodies intertwined, we were like matching puzzle pieces,I know its cheezy but we were forming a picture of love.

My mind,my heart,my body,my soul. They were all at peace. An hour later Jack fell asleep and I was wide awake,I looked at my watch. 5:59 pm. I gently lifted his arm off of me but he whined,still asleep.

I grabbed my pillow and put it in his arm,he kissed it. I tried to hold in a laugh but failed,waking up Jack in the process. "Oh haha." He said stretching,I sat back down and kissed his nose.

"It's almost your birthday,are you happy?" "I doubt Slenderman will celebrate it,he hasn't celebrated my birth since I turned 14."

"You know I will." I smiled and pinned him on his side,"What are you planning mystery man?" "I'm planning to get revenge." He pinned me on my back and I giggled,he pecked my lips and pretended to body slam me.

A clearing of the throat entered the room,"ahem. Am I interrupting something?" Masky asked with a cocky tone,Jack stood up and crossed his arms. I sat up and brushed the loose hairs out of my face,"What do you need Tim?"

"Slenderman wants you outside to train right this minute." I nodded and Jack walked out of my room,I sighed and opened the wardrobe. I pulled out a sweatshirt and gym shorts.

When I got outside there was no training equipment,just Timothy. "What the crap is this?" "A date. My angel." "Uh uh no way!" I turned around to walk inside but he gripped my wrist tight,so tight I whimpered in pain. "Let go of me!"

"Ok... But first give me a little kiss." He said as he tapped his light pink lips,"o-okay. Pucker up." I took my opportunity and socked him in the mouth,he spit blood and growled.

"Brat!" He yelled as he tried reajusting his jaw line,I ran inside and up to my room. I mentally screamed and punched the wall,leaving a fist sized hole. Right next to Jeff's. The day he punched my wall in anger and regection.

Remembering my dear old friend I broke down,I cried on the cold wood floor. I had mixed emotions about Jeff, he was my best friend since I was young,he attacked Jack, and he stabbed me in the chest. Nearly ending my short life,I sighed as a tear drop hit the floor.

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