《Chapter 18》

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I sat in my room, watching the snow stick to the glass. Completely in shock, he's dead. Three knocks hit my door, but I didn't answer it. I didn't even get up. "Come on, open the freaking door." I sighed and used my powers to open the door, which I haven't used in a while.

Toby came in, he stood behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "(Y.N) we-we're having a death ceremony in Jacks h-honer. And for you." Without looking at him I responded, "Thank you. I'll be out when it starts." He left, taking his hand off of my shoulder.

I pulled out a black slick dress, black heels, and a (those things that go over the face). I walked outside and to his coffin,"You idiot.", I whispered. "I told you to be quiet... but did you listen? No. Because you love me." I pushed back a little of his dark brown hair, gently kissing his head.

"Whats the purpose of life when the one you love is gone forever. You can't be gone, please baby please..." Toby gently pulled me away as Timothy and Brian lowered the casket, "Bring it back up." " (Y.N) the service is over." "I don't care, bring it up." "(Y.N).."

"BRING IT BACK UP," I screamed, overwhelmed. Tim and Toby had to hold me back, I sobbed and dropped to the ground. "Wh-why?!?!" Toby knelt down next to me and rubbed my back.

I went back to my room and tried to curl up, in frustration I slit the slides of my tight dress so I could hold my legs to my chest. A tear trickled down my nose, I wiped it and tried to relax.

But there was no use, I couldn't hold on. I just kept thinking of him,"It wasn't his time..." I whispered. I walked over to my dresser, I pulled out a black hoodie and matching black sweat pants.

I got back under the covers and once gain sobbed until my head was literally pounding. I didn't eat, barley slept, and least of all went killing or had any social activities.

6 Days Later.
I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door. Without asking it opened, Timothy walked in and sat by me on the bed. "What do you want now?" I asked, my voice sounding scratchy.

He put his hands up in a surrender,I scowled at him as he took a sigh. "I'm gonna go out on a lim and say Jack deserved to die." His words lit a fire in me, my eye twitched with anger. "Say that again. I dare you."

"He deserves to rot in the ground, becoming a corpse. Turning into nothing. " I shot crystals at him, instead of killing him the pressed him to the wall. His chuckle was sinister, "What? Do you love me now?"

An angry tear fell from my eye,"this...is your last chance to get out." I grabbed him by his jacket, pulling him face to face. "Get out of my room, otherwise if you want to fight. You'll be on the floor and I'll be the only one standing." He ripped away from my grip and exited, slamming the door on his way out.

Depression was winning the war, I began to pick up my old habbits. I pressed a sharp object to my arm, stunned by a soothing voice. "Don't do it." "Jack?" "Love don't harm yourself. "

I slowly turned around, Jack stood there. "D-darling?" I sobbed as I pulled him into a hug, crying harder onto his shoulder. "You have to go he's coming back", I scoffed. "Who? The devil?" I said sarcastically, "We need to get you out."

"Out of where? Th-the mansion?" The walls started melting,Jack grabbed my hand and started running. The walls were completely melted and it was just a white floor with black surrounding everything.

I tugged making Jack stop,"Who is coming?"


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