11. Confrontation

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Gia froze at the sound of his voice. Memories came flashing back. That dreadful day that changed her life forever. Her heart begun to race as her hands started to shake.

They were at the breach of a new archaeological find. It took months of research but they had finally done it. They had just found the relic when Phoenix appeared out of nowhere and stabbed Danny in the back. The blade penetrated his heart and Gia watched him die unable to do a thing to stop it. The months following his death went by in a haze. Her memory clouded by her pain and her desire for revenge growing by the minute. His murder still all too vivid in her mind.

Gia took a deep breath and turned around to face the man in her nightmares.


"Jacklyn. Well, there's a face I was not expecting to see again. Didn't I throw you off a cliff or something? I'm pretty sure I did. So what the hell are you doing here meddling with things that you should not be meddling with?"

"Am I spoiling your plans?" Her voice trembled with rage. "I know you would prefer me gone, dead, but as you can see that is not the case. And we have a score to settle."

"Ah, yes! Your husband. What did we say was his name again? Danny? You must forgive me I can't seem to recall. There have been so many imbeciles I've had to deal with in the past it's hard to keep track of all of them."

He saw her face darken, her eyes filled with the fire that burned inside her. She's getting angry, he thought. This was something he could use. Now that the shock of her presence was gone he could concentrate on his next move. It was a good thing he took precautions.

"Your husband was nothing special really. All brawn and no brains not that it did him any good. My blade slid all too easy in his back. I can still feel it you know; the muscles pulling apart allowing me access to his heart. And when my blade pierced his heart, well, now that was divine."

Gia launched at him, her eyes glowing with insane rage. She went for his heart wanting to rip it out of him just like he ripped hers. Phoenix did not move. He just stood there welcoming her attack. Gia lifted her hand to administer the killing blow when she hit on an invisible wall. A tingling sensation spread throughout her body leaving her numb and defenseless. She tried lifting her body from the ground but it was like she was made out of cement. Her limps weighed a million tons. Phoenix came and stood on top her. His smile revealing the fangs on the inside.

"What did you do?" She tried to say but it barely registered. Even talking was a challenge now.

"What this?" He gestured towards her. "Oh, I didn't do this. A friend of mine did, a very very close friend of mine. One that can appreciate me in a way you never did. She cast a protection spell on me to immobile anyone who was stupid enough to attack me. You see, you made a tiny, tiny mistake. Dead men can tell tales you know."


"Don't try to speak." He cut her off. "It's useless. The spell will have you completely paralyzed in a second or two. Now, where was I? Oh, yes, the castle. You see, my men, the ones I sent to procure the necklace. Where is the necklace anyway? Ah, there it is." He said and took it off her. "My men might have failed in bringing it to me but they did tell me one very important thing. Even from beyond the grave. I had them recording every move they made in that castle and sending the feedback back to me. You didn't really think I would entrust them with such a task without supervision, did you? I was watching the whole thing live from across the world. And guess what? Just before the castle fell there was this little blur running past my men, safely exiting the building. Now, I did not know who it was but it was pretty obvious there was competition now, wasn't it? And a very unnatural competition for that matter. When did you turn by way? No! No, don't tell me. It doesn't matter. It cannot change what is to come. This is where we say goodbye, Jacklyn, for once and for all. Goodbye."

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