4. Unwanted

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Elijah was silently staring at her, waiting for her return. It wouldn't be long now. It had been hours since Marcel broke her neck and left her there. At his care. Elijah was startled. That was not what he had expected when he came to see Marcel. He had enough problems as it was. He did not need new ones.

It was supposed to be a simple exchange of information. His horrific father had returned from the dead and his protégé was responsible for it. Who knew that a little witch like Davina could cause so much chaos. And chaos was the least of the things his father was capable of.

Michael, the vampire who hunted vampires. A nightmare come to life. He was a force to be reckoned with. Though Davina's spell controlled him, for the time being, he knew it was only matter of time 'till he came for them. Davina brought him back for a reason. She hated his family, especially his brother Niklaus, and she would do anything to destroy them. She had plenty of reasons to seek revenge. Niklaus had made sure of that. And his psychotic father was the perfect weapon. The only one strong enough. And now in possession of the only thing capable of killing them. Their destruction was the only thing that mattered to him. Quite ironic since he was the reason for their continuing existence.

Elijah did not believe Marcel was aware of Davina's actions. If Niklaus were to be killed then so did the rest of his bloodline. Every vampire he had ever created would follow him to the grave. There was no way around it. If Niklaus died then so did Marcel. Elijah suspected that was the reason Davina hadn't unleashed him yet. Her love for Marcel superseded her desire for revenge. But even if Davina kept him chained, he would sure find a way to escape his bonds. And once free he would pursue them without mercy. Wrecking everything in his path.

Michael had to be stopped. But in order for that to happen, he had to find him first. Even if Davina hadn't informed Marcel of her actions, he still hoped Marcel had information that could turn useful to him. He needed to get out of the house anyway. Things were getting too complicated. Too emotional. He needed a distraction. And now he was stuck babysitting.

What the hell was Marcel thinking? He didn't need an apprentice. Didn't want one. Especially a lost, pathetic, child who thought the only way to escape its problems was to grow fangs. He did not want any part in this. Yet here he was. Watching over her. Waiting for her to awake.

He remembered when he first saw her, playing music on the streets. She was good. Really good. Why did she have to go and throw it all away? She could live a happy, normal life. Away from all this madness. She could have a family of her own, yet she chose this. Vampirism. He remembered the day he became a vampire. He never chose this. It was forced upon him. Upon all of them. Why would anyone choose this of his own free will was beyond him. He would give anything to be human again. Something he knew he could only dream of.

He saw her stir and moved closer to her. He knew how this would go. How she would feel. He remembered all too well. He had been through the exact same thing. They all had. Although he wanted no part in this, he could not just leave her be. He would help her with her transition and then he'd leave. She was Marcel's burden to bear. Not his.

She woke up disoriented, with no recollection of where she was. Her head was spinning around. She felt confused, twitchy. But that was nothing compared to the burning sensation in her neck. The thirst. She recognized it for what it was. And she knew it was only going to get worse. Marcel had warned her about this. He didn't hide the disadvantages of his condition when he offered her a place in his community. She was the one who chose to proceed anyway. And she wasn't regretting it. She did what she had to. Now she had to finish what she started. Still, she thought she was prepared for this, the thirst, but its intensity caught her off guard. And she hadn't fully turned yet. She still had to complete her transition.

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