12. Truth Be Told

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She hesitantly opened her eyes and let the light in. The soft mattress on her back was tempting her to let the darkness take her once again but no. She had to know, had to see. Yet, what she saw she could not believe.

Elijah was sitting on the bed next to her, softly caressing her cheek, waiting for the spell to wear off; waiting for her to return to him. The light coming from the window illuminated his form making him look like an angel and tempting as hell.

Elijah noticed the change in her and moved closer to her helping Gia lift her weakened body from the mattress and taking her in his embrace. His scent covered her like a blanket and Gia closed her eyes once more relishing on the feeling. She never noticed the baring of his wrist until he brought it to her lips.

"Gia, darling, open your eyes."

Gia turned into Elijah's arms and let her eyes land on his face.


"Ssssh. You are still too weak to speak, darling. You need to feed. My blood is significantly stronger than a human's and it will allow you to heal a lot faster than you normally would. So, if you please..." he said as he wove his hand through her hair and guided her mouth to his wrist.

A shock of ecstasy hit her system the moment her teeth penetrated his skin and blood flowed freely into her mouth. His blood vibrated with power and it only took one sip to return her to full strength multiplied tenfold. A thousand years old and more powerful than anything she'd ever met before. The feeling had almost thrown her into unconsciousness. She took more and more letting the power run through her system leaving her almost drunk. She could literally feel her head spin and her cells jumpstart.

Gia unwillingly removed her mouth from his wrist not wanting to lose control over herself. It had already happened once tonight and she never wanted to feel this helpless again. Although, she had to admit, the thought of leaving herself into Elijah's arms allowing him to do as he pleased made her feel all warm inside.

Gia once again turned to look at him.

"What about you?" she asked.

"I can wait." Elijah answered with a smile.

"You don't have to." Gia removed the hair from her neck inviting him in.

Elijah slowly lowered his head giving her time to reconsider. His fingers brushed her neck and Gia felt his breath lightly touching her skin. It made her body shiver and her pulse quicken. Elijah watched her like a hawk and when he saw she was not retreating, he placed a soft kiss on her neck right above the pulse that laid beneath and allowed his fangs to lengthen.

Gia let a moan escape her as his fangs pierced her skin and he started sucking her blood. She gripped at his hair, placing her body in perfect alignment with his. Elijah felt intoxicated. He wanted to keep drinking her to eternity but knowing how fragile she still was he forced himself to release her. He was very careful with how much he allowed himself to take from her; young as she was her body could not replenish all of what he needed. And her blood was not the only thing he wanted from her. Soon, he promised himself. Soon.

Gia was still dazed by the experience. While Elijah was in his office talking to his brother Gia tried to regain her composure. And when she saw him arriving she readied herself. She had always known this day was coming and she could not avoid it anymore. Today was the day Elijah was going to learn the truth about her and her mysterious arrival to New Orleans.

"Gia" Elijah said guiding her to the living room. He sat on a sofa and urged her to sit beside him.

"There has been some disturbing news that has come to my attention that I very much need to discuss with you." He said. "I know you are still feeling weak but this cannot wait."

Rising from the ashes (Gia & Elijah Mikaelson Fanfiction - The Originals)Where stories live. Discover now