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"oh ,hello, uncle, bhiaya.... sir"she howld as she saw someone standing at 'her' corner of the terrace. Her joy knew no bounds that day.Although she had developed some selfdoubts after the whole Raunak scenario,still she couldn't help feeling excited about their upcoming date. The meeting with Maya had truly made her day, and she was almost sure that Maya would support her cause. Ever since, she had been wearing a smile which denied to fade away.

Sidharth's day had been a disaster, his EV project was not going ahead,it was far from his initial expectations and then the Sameera episode.Frustration and anger had almost paralyze him."There's no peace anywhere." he thought,and then he finally turned around to see a girl smiling,and it irked him even more, he couldn't understand how do people manage to smile so much where as it feels like a task to him. It made him jealous, leaving him wondering why he never found enough reasons to giggle like the girl standing infront of him has.

She, on the ontherhand was just mystified to see his appearance when he finally turned.He was tall and masculine, a stark contrast to her petite frame. Even the business suit he wore couldn't conceal his well-defined muscles.His face held a captivating allure, suddenly all the cute guys she had ever dated or taken interest in, felt bellow average infront of him. His face bore the very fine line of experience, suggesting that he had moved beyond the early stages of youth. Yet, in his deep, dark eyes, there was a sparkle, as if he dared her with a silent invitation. His masculinity was far more captivating and tantalizing than just physical attractiveness,his whole personality had the power to turn her knees into jelly.

"Excuse me" he uttered rolling his eyes ,his voice depicted arrogance as he was still in a state of anger but she was just too happy that day,and was still smiling,and this time he properly notice her smile, He had never seen such smile,her teeth were white and slightly like a bunny, no not like a bunny, he didn't know how to describe them but there was something about her front two teeth.
And then they had a 3 second eyelock.

"Stop smiling like a fool you idiot... concentrate on something else... concentrate on the sunset, but dikh nahin raha hai,yeah view block karke khada hai.mmm....
.concentrate on your new socks" Shehnaaz prompted her self. She climbed up on of the marvel bench and set over the back rest.

"What am I doing, ogling at a complete stranger!" he too reminded himself and looked down.She took off her sneakers without using her hands and looked at her cute socks ,He hadn't marked them yet but,he was looking at her feet unknowingly ,just to avoid looking at her beautiful face,She curled her toes when she saw him looking at her feet.

"You know we have the same ones in our aquarium?" she said,her eyes were squinting from all her grinning and her cheeks were pink form what he had no idea.

"Socks?" He asked,getting little shocked and looked at her face again.
There was something about her that compelled him to look at her again and again.She was easily the most eye catching thing he had ever seen and he wished he hadn't ever seen

"No,silly" she said and the sides of her cheeks lifted into a smile."did she just call me silly" he exclaimed, There was some mysterious thing about her that forced him to look at her again and again.

"These fishes on my socks" she uttered, her cheeks were swelling up as she was smiling in between her talk.."When dadi said chubby cheeks wali ladkiyan jyada pretty lagti hai , did he meant cheeks like hers" he wondere,getting zoned out for some moment.

"Shehnaaz,he is handsome but you are actually being too cheap... enough of talking and smiling, hosh main aa.... isko hatne bol,tu kal date pe ja rahi hai, yeah out of league lag raha hai and sunset important hai." she reminded herself one last time as she realized that she was smiling too much.

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