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Hannah tossed and turned for hours as the last several weeks haunted her mind.

She looked at the clock on her night stand. 3:15 am. She sighed as she thought about all the kids' faces the moment they'd found out Miss Jensen wouldn't be their teacher anymore.

She thought of who had taken over her class, and hoped they had loved her kids as much as she did.

She thought about story time, and if they had finished Charlotte's web by now.

Just as she had every night since she came home. But the most painful thought was of Dylan. She closed her eyes as memories of him enveloped her mind.

His heart stopping smile, the way he held her in his strong Navy Seal arms. She sucked in a breath as she remembered the way his hands felt on her body and the electricity of his lips on her neck.

She remembered his sad eyes the last time she saw him and a tears rolled down her cheeks. She opened her eyes. It had been just over a month but to her it felt like forever.

He had called and sent text messages to check on her everyday, but she didn't have the courage to answer back.

"What is wrong with me?" She thought, grabbing her phone from the bedside table. She pulled up the last message from him.

"I miss you Hanny. I need to know you're alright. I'm sorry for everything. Please call me. I love you."

She punched in a quick reply and after a moment of hesitation she hit send.

The guilt drained from her body as she relaxed into her pillow. Just as she had dozed off she heard a noise coming from the living room.

Hannah sat up in her bed listening for the sound again.

"Maybe I imagined it?" She thought.

"I haven't slept much the last several days."


She heard the noise again. Hannah jumped up and slid under the bed to hide.

As she huddled on the floor footsteps approached her room.

"Shit, my phone. She panicked, forgetting to grab it from her side table.

It was pitch black and there was no way she could get to it and in time. Her eyes widened as she heard the click of the doorknob to her room open.

Hannah held her hand over her mouth as she saw two sets of shoes enter her room.

"Come out come out wherever you are." A male voice said.

A bright light flashed around the room as she watched the shoes walk around the bed.

"We know you're in here Hannah." The male voice said as they opened the closet door.

She held her mouth tight as a tear rolled down her cheek.

She watched as the shoes made their way closer to the bed.

Hannah screamed as light shined in her eyes and a hand reached out to grab her by the hair.

"Aaahhh" she screamed again as she was dragged out from under the bed.

The stranger pulled her to her feet.

"Shut up bitch" she heard a husky voice call and felt the sting of a slap across her face.

Hannah whimpered in pain as she fell to the floor.

"Please, I don't have any money." she begged, her voice trembling.

An angry laugh rang out as the silhouette of a person moved closer to her.

"You think I'm here for money?"

"W-what do you want?" She asked.

"I want you dead bitch!" The familiar voice said.

"Ally?" Hannah gasped, backing away from her.

She felt two big hands come from behind, picking her up off the floor again.

"Let me go." She screamed flailing her body around.

The stranger wrapped his arms tightly around her as she fought.

"Get away from me." Hannah cried as Ally walked up to her slowly.

"I told you to stay away from him. She said menacingly, slapping Hannah's face.

"Mm" Hannah whimpered at the sting of the pain.

"You don't have do this." she cried.

"But I'm having so much fun." Ally said, slapping her again.

This time causing her lip to bleed.

"Please." Hannah sobbed.

"Please," Ally mocked her. "It's too late bitch." She sneered, putting her mouth to Hannah's ear.

"I told you if you played with fire you could get burned." She whispered.

Hannah fought as a cloth was pressed over her face.

She kicked and tried to scream but it was no use, she felt herself fading away and there was nothing she could do about it.

Her last thoughts were of Dylan, his sad eyes as he pleaded with her.

Ally smiled as Hannah's body went limp from the chloroform soaked cloth Jason held over her mouth.

"Now what?" Jason asked as he gently laid her on the floor.

"Get the gas." She commanded.

"Gas, what gas?" Jason asked, looking at Hannah.

Ally smiled menacingly.

"It's in the car." She said.

"Ally, this wasn't the agreement. We were just supposed to scare her." Jason argued.

"Leave then, but you know what's gonna happen if you don't hold up your end of the bargain!" Ally snapped.

"What's it gonna be?" Jason looked at Hannah for a moment and then his gaze dropped to the floor as he turned his head away.

Ally smiled.

"That's what I thought. Now go get the gas." She demanded again.

"This little whore has cost me everything and now it's time for her to pay for it!"

Ally smiled as Jason poured the last of the gas onto the floor around Hannah.

"Let's go" she said, walking into the living room.

Jason opened the door and Ally struck a match, dropping it as they exited.

The house went up in flames. Hannah lay on the floor in her bedroom as smoke filled the house.

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