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By the time they got inside the hospital Hannah was already in surgery. At Chad's request a lady came out and brought Dylan into a small room so the attending physician could examine him. They found that he had suffered first degree burns on his arms.

"That should do. I'm gonna send you a prescription for pain and I want you to apply petroleum jelly two to three times daily.

The doctor said as he finished wrapping the burns.

"Do you have any allergies to any pain medication?"

"No." Dylan replied. "

"Ok there's a nice bench out in the lobby if you wanna hang out there until we find out more about your girl."

Dylan nodded.

"She must be quite a lady. Not many people have someone willing to run into a burning building for them." The Dr said.

"She is." He nodded.

The Dr nodded back.

"Thank you." Dylan said, grabbing his phone and heading to the lobby to find the bench.

"Dylan, my God are you ok?" Diane said as she hurried over and hugged him.

"Yes ma'am." He said.

She gasped as she noticed his bandages.

It's not as bad as it looks." He said.

"They said you were the first one there. You got her out. Thank you." Jack said with tears in his eyes holding his hand out to Dylan.

Dylan nodded, shaking his hand.

"Dylan, what happened, how's Hannah!?" Audrey said as she and James arrived.

"I don't know." He choked out.

"Hannah's in surgery and they won't tell us anything." Diane said.

"Shit." James shook his head. Audrey took Chad aside.

"Is he really ok Chad?" She asked her brother.

He knew what she meant. Chad nodded.

"I think he will be once he knows Hannah's alright." Chad said.

Audrey nodded. The double doors in the lobby flew open and a man in a doctor's jacket walked over to them.

"I'm Doctor Paulson, are you guys here for Hannah Jensen?" He asked them.

"Yes. How is she doctor?" Diane asked.

Everyone gathered around.

"Well, she was in pretty bad shape when she first arrived, had a weak pulse so we had to get that stabilized before we took her into surgery." The doctor explained.

"She has thermal burns on her back and legs. So we have her on some heavy pain medication for that." He said.

"How bad are the burns?" Diane asked.

"They are second degree burns." Doctor Paulson answered. "It will take anywhere from seven to twenty one days for them to heal. Also she inhaled a lot of smoke. We have her on some antibiotics to help fight and prevent infection in her lungs." He continued.

"But she's gonna be alright?" Dylan asked.

"She should be just fine as long as she can get the rest she needs to heal." The doctor said.

"When can we see her?" Diane asked.

"You can go back one or two at a time. We don't want to overwhelm her. She may not be able to respond very well because of the medicine we have her on."

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