A sweet suprise

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Audrey held a paper towel under the water and handed it to her, eyeing her suspiciously. She wiped her face and rinsed her mouth.

"Thanks" she said looking at Audrey.

"Are you sure you're ok Hannah?" She asked.

"It's just nerves." Hannah cried. "The Dr said it was normal."

Audrey looked at her doubtfully.

"Hannah, when was your last period?" She said.

Hannah thought for a moment. She looked up at Audrey.

"I can't remember." She whispered.

"Oh boy." Audrey said.

"Audrey!" Hannah cried with dread in her voice.

"What..if I am and...." she stopped.

"Hey come on, no bad thoughts ok. Everything's gonna be fine, we can grab a test on the way to the hospital if you want? That way you can know for sure." Audrey said.

They arrived at the hospital a short time later.

"They just took him in for surgery," Vivian told them.

"What have you found out?" Hannah asked.

"Nothing, they just said wait here and we will come get us as soon as we know something."

Hannah nodded as she stood there numbly staring at the double doors where she knew Dylan would be.

"Everything will be alright Hannah, I just know it." Audrey said, wrapping her in a hug.

"Come on, let's go sit over here while we wait."

Audrey led her to a chair in the lobby waiting room. Hannah sat down and put her head in her hands. Audrey rubbed her back. James and Chad came in taking a seat next to her. Hannah lifted her head up to look at James.

"Ally?" James shook his head.

"She was taken to a different hospital.

She looked down at the ground.

"She's still alive?" Hannah whispered.

"Yes, but don't worry she's in police custody, she won't be bothering you guys anymore." James said.

"I'm looking for the family of Dylan Walker." Everyone looked at the direction the voice came from.

"We're here." Vivian waved them over. The doctor walked over to them.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Dr. Caldwell, Are you mom?" he asked, holding his hand out for Vivian to shake.

"Yes, and this is his wife Hannah." She said, turning to her.

"It's nice to meet you." He said.

"How is he?" Hannah asked, shaking his hand.

"Well He made it through surgery just fine, we were able to locate and remove the bullet and no major arteries were damaged. The bullet went through his shoulder, just about three inches or so above his heart so he didn't sustain any life threatening injuries. However he did lose a little blood so we had to give him some." Dr Caldwell explained.

"Can we see him?" Hannah asked.

"We have him on some pain meds so he may be a little out of it but follow me and I'll take you to him." Doctor Caldwell said.

Hannah looked at Vivian.

"I'll wait here, you go." Vivian said.

Hannah nodded, "Thank you." She said as she followed him through the double doors and down a long hall. Hannah's heart pounded in her chest as the doctor stopped at his room.

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