Is it over

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   Dylan and Hannah have been living in witness protection for the last several months. James sent them to a small town over 1700 miles away called Willow Springs, in Missouri.

It was very different than they were used to in Stanton California. Dylan had found a job with a small construction company. And Hannah helped out at the local flower shop during the week.

But has been on a leave of absence as her due date approached. They found out from Gary that Audrey and James had their sweet baby girl they decided to call Jamie, a week after they had moved there.

He was good about keeping them updated.
One morning Dylan walked into the kitchen to see Hannah sitting at the table.

"Good morning, gorgeous." He said, kissing her on the cheek and rubbing her enormous belly.

"Morning love." Hannah smiled.

"How are you feeling today?" he asked her.

"I'm just tired." Dylan looked at her concerned.

"I have a meeting today, but maybe I should cancel."

"No, that's ridiculous. I'll be fine." Hannah assured him.

Dylan didn't seem convinced.

"I hate leaving you alone this close to delivery." he said.

"I'll be alright. I can call Jess, or Gary if anything happens. Don't worry." Jess was a neighbor she had made friends with since they've been there.

"Well, alright then." Dylan said reluctantly. "I should be home by noon. Promise you'll call me if anything happens."

"I will." She promised.
He leaned down and gave her a kiss before he left out the door.

Hannah yawned and stood up, stretching as she walked to the fridge to get some milk. After she poured her a glass she took a big drink and held it in her mouth for a moment before swallowing it.

"That tasted a little bitter." she thought to herself as she checked the jug for an expiration date.

"The milk hasn't expired, maybe just the pregnancy throwing my tastebuds off then." she guessed sitting down on the couch and flipping through the channels on the tv.

The price is right was on. She sat there watching Bob Barker and drinking her milk as her eyes grew more and more heavy.

"I must be more tired than i thought." Hannah said to herself after a little while.

She stood up and headed for the hallway to her bedroom.

"Ahh" Hannah yelped as a contraction started.
With her hand pressed up against the wall to help steady herself as she slowly walked across the living room and reached her phone.

Hannah fought to punch in Dylan's number. It rang once before the fatigue overtook her and she dropped the phone as she fell to the floor.

Another contraction came as Hannah fought to keep her eyes open.

"Help"  she said as she saw someone walking toward her.

"Dylan?" she said before everything went dark.
Hannah opened her eyes and looked around. After a moment she recognized the familiar smell of their basement.

"How did I get here?" she wondered.

She winced as a sharp pain bolted through her abdomen.

"Oh no." Hannah cried as she realized what was happening. She tried to stand but quickly learned that her hands had been tied to a water pipe that ran up the wall.

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