The suspect

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"Don't do anything stupid man." James said to Dylan as they pulled into the police station.

Dylan clenched his jaw.

"I'm not making any promises," He said.

"So, what, you're gonna go in here, beat the shit out of this guy and end up in jail? How is that gonna help Hannah? James said.

"She needs you here, not in a jail cell." He continued.

Dylan nodded.

"Fine." He agreed, as they walked into the building

Gary walked over to them.

"They have him waiting in interrogation.

"Follow me." He said.

"Thanks my man." James said as he and Dylan headed toward the hall.

Dylan's heart raced in his chest and palms were sweaty.

"Now I need you boys ito be on your best behavior, ok?" Gary said.

They nodded.

"You can sit in here." Gary said, opening the door of a small room.

"You'll be able to see and hear everything that goes on in there through that two way mirror right here." He said pointing to the window in the wall.

Dylan walked into the room and looked through the window. He saw a guy sitting at a table in the room next to them. His face covered in his hands.

Dylan's jaw clenched.

"We're gonna get to the bottom of this." Gary said.

Dylan nodded and took a seat next to James.

They watched as Gary entered the room next door.

"I'm Officer Harris, I'm here to ask you a few questions. First off, can you state your name for the record?" Gary said.

The man raised his head to look at him. He was about their age, blonde hair, brown eyes. Dylan hadn't recognized him as anyone he knew.

"I'm Jason. He said. "Jason Barrow."

"I wish I could say it was nice to meet you the sheriff said, but I know the victim so this is personal." Gary said eyeing him angrily.

Jason closed his eyes and a tear rolled down his face.

"It says here that you came in earlier saying that you were involved with an arson over on Valley View?"

"Yes sir." Jason answered.

Gary flashed a quick glance at the mirror.

"Want to tell me about that?" He asked.

"I didn't want to do it." Jason said as he started to cry.

"She told me we were only gonna scare her." He said.

"Who is she?" Gary pushed.

"Ally." Jason whispered.

James looked at Dylan.

Dylan clenched his fists.

"Start at the beginning Jason." Gary said.

"A few days ago, my wife Megan and I had a fight. I stormed out, wound up at a bar. Ally came and sat in the seat beside me. She was nice, easy to talk to. I guess I had one too many drinks in me because the next thing I knew I woke up naked with her beside me." He cried.

"I told her it was a mistake and I loved Megan. But she showed me pictures that she had taken of us that night. Said she would show them to her if I didn't help her with something." He said.

"I couldn't let her show Megan those pictures, we have a baby, it would break her heart." Jason continued.

"Then what happened." James asked.

"Ally told me that her boyfriend had been cheating on her with this Hannah girl and that she wanted me to help her scare her so she would leave him alone. I didn't know anything about the gas or matches until it was too late.

"We were only supposed to scare her. I'm so sorry." Jason cried.

"Do you know where Ally is right now?" The sheriff asked.

"No, she disappeared. Megan got the pictures anyway, now she wants a divorce. She's gonna take my son away from me. " Jason quietly stated. "I have nothing to lose now." He whispered. Gary glanced at the mirror again. A lump formed in Dylan's throat as he tried to process what he'd just heard.

"Thanks for coming forward Jason." Gary said.

"But you do know you're gonna be facing attempted murder charges right? Along with several other things." He told him.

Jason jerked his head up.

"She's alive!" He said.

"For now." Sheriff Harris said as he left the room.

He saw another officer passing by just then.

"Frank." He said, handing him the recorded confession.

"Book him!" He said as he opened the door to the other room. Dylan stood there with his back to him.

"You got to find her Sheriff." Dylan pleaded.

"I will." He promised. Dylan hung his head as he turned and walked toward James. His phone rang.

"It's Chad." He said.

"Hey." He answered.

"Dylan, Hannah's awake!" He said.

"She is?"

"Yeah her mom says she's asking for you. How long until you get back?" Chad asked.

"I'm on my way now, thanks bud." He said, ending the call.

He quickly filled James in and they headed toward the hospital.

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