A dangerous reception

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   Later as everyone was enjoying the reception Dylan held Hannah close as they swayed to the music.

"I can't believe I'm finally your wife." She whispered.

"I can't believe I'm finally your husband." He whispered back.

"This day was so perfect. I don't want it to end."

"Me either." He said, leaning down to kiss her lips.

Suddenly the lights turned off and everything went dark.

"What's happening?" Hannah asked alarmed, holding tightly to Dylan.

"I don't know." He said.

James?" Dylan called as he held Hannah protectively close to him.

"I'm on it." James said, grabbing his gun from his holster.

He and Chad quickly got everyone to safety. Dylan scanned the dark room and caught a shadow move in the corner of his eye.

"Who's there?" he called.

Slowly the person came into view. As the backup generator lights switched on. Dylan gasped.

"James, get Hannah out of here!" He said in a low voice.

"No need for that. I have something for her. A little wedding gift, if you will." Ally said as she raised her hands out in front of her revealing a gun pointing directly at Hannah.

Dylan's eyes widened as he shoved her behind him.

"No!" He said throwing an arm out in front of him.

James pointed his gun at Ally.

"Ally, drop it!" He demanded.

"How could you Dylan?" She said to him, ignoring James' command.

Tears formed in her eyes. She took a step closer.

"All I wanted is for you to love me the way that I love you?" she said.

"You're joking right? He fumed. She smiled as her eyes locked with his.

"I did us a favor." She said, walking toward them.

"Ally stop right there!" James demanded.

"Us? Ally, there is no us anymore." Dylan snapped.

"Everything I've done has been for you." She argued."

"Ally, please don't do this." Hannah said.

"Shut up bitch, I'm not gonna let you take him away from me again!" She said angrily.

Pointing the gun more forcefully now.

"Ally drop the weapon!" James demanded again, holding his gun on her.

"We were fine but you just couldn't stay away could you? I warned you to stay away from him. Now you've tricked him into marrying you." Ally sneered.

Hannah cried, "That's not tru-.

"SHUT UP!" She screamed.

"Ally, think about it.
"Dylan began. 

"In the whole year we were together, did I ever once tell you that I loved you?" He asked.

"No." she whispered hesitantly.

"That's because I don't. And why would I? The first night we met I had you in my bed. You were too easy. Just a hobby, something to do. Come on Ally, the only thing I ever had for you was a hard on." He told her. 

Ally slowly raised her eyes to meet his. This time her eyes were cold.

"You..you don't mean that." Her voice broke.

"Yes I do." He snapped back.

Ally tightened her grip on the gun.

"Well, If I can't have you, then no one can." she smiled, pulling the trigger.

James fired his gun shooting Ally and called for an ambulance as Dylan grabbed his chest and fell to his knees.

"Hannah screamed, holding him in her arms as he fell.

James ran to them and helped Hannah slowly lower him to the floor.

Dylan looked down at the blood covering his hand and a tear ran down his cheek.

"I'm so sorry, Hanny."

"Dylan, you can't leave me, you promised you wouldn't leave me." She cried.

"Stay with us man. Look at me." James said.

"I need you to fight this, fight for me like I fought for you." Hannah cried, cradling his head.

"Hanny." he whispered. Gently placing a hand on her cheek.

Hannah put her hand on his.

"The ambulance is almost here." James said, hearing the sirens coming down the road.

"They are almost here, love, hang on." She pleaded.

Soon the paramedics entered the room and immediately checked for a pulse. They place an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose and cut his shirt off to try and stop the bleeding.

"Hannah let me take you to your parents right outside?" James said.

"I..I'm staying here James!" She insisted.

There was so much blood and Hannah felt nausea sweeping over her.

"Are you ok, miss?" One of the paramedics asked.

"You don't look so good."

"You have to help him!" Hannah pleaded.

Swallowing down the bile that rose in her throat.

"We are gonna do our best ma'am." He assured her.

Hannah held Dylan's hand as James helped them load him onto a stretcher and roll him outside. Everyone ran to their side. Hannah placed a blood covered hand over her mouth as she watched them load him into the ambulance. The paramedic looked back at her.

"Miss, are you coming?" he asked.

Bile rose in Hannah's throat again, this time she couldn't hold it down.

"I can't!" She said running for the nearest trash can. Audrey followed her.

"I'll go." Vivian said "Please let Hannah know I am with him." She said to James as she stepped into the back of the ambulance.

Hannah threw her head over the trash can in the bathroom.

Audrey gathered her hair and held it with one hand and rubbed her back with her other hand. Hannah violently heaved over the trash can for several seconds. When she was finally done she looked up at her reflection in the mirror.

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