A Plan

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   After having the best morning sex either one had ever had before, they finally got up to start their day. At the breakfast table, they hashed out all of the things that weren't spoken. About their jobs, the positions they held, about logistics.

   After some careful consideration, they realized... they were fucked. Y/N landed her dream job, decided on an apartment (8 minutes away from Cate), and signed a lease for a year. She was already partially moved into the classroom and she had already started lesson planning.

   It was too late for a new/different teacher to start anyways. That would leave the school, and Cate royally screwed. Cate couldn't quit her job either, she was under a contract for the next year, as was Y/N as a matter of fact.

   So, they decided to hide it. Date in secret. For a year. They decided to hide it. They couldn't control how they felt, there was no going back. So, this left them with only one option. Hide it.

   That's what they settled on and that's what they'd do. They would both look for jobs later in the school year and whoever got the better offer, would take it and they could be together freely after.

   They spent all of Sunday together. They had a lot of sex, and talked about everything under the sun. They talked about Cates childhood, their first times, everything they never talked about before.

   Just as they were getting to know one another's bodies, they were also getting to know one another as people better. Intimacy on all plains. Cate talked about her divorce some as well. She talked about their son, she and her ex wife had together. His name is Ashton, they call him Ash for short. He's 6 years old and loves cards.

   This made Y/N laugh. "I know, it's such an old lady hobby but it honestly makes him happy!" Cate said. "I love it. I think it's the cutest thing!" Cate smiled ear to ear. Y/N loved hearing/seeing Cate talk about her son. Cate lit up when she spoke about him. It was so incredibly endearing.

   "So... would you be interested in meeting him?" Cate asked. "Really?" Y/N looked at Cate, surprised. "Yeah, I mean... I like you an awful lot" Cate blushed. "You're going to be a permanent fixture in my life... so... yeah, I would like you to meet him".

   "Cate, I would love to meet Ash! I would like that a lot!" Y/N smiled at Cate. "Yeah?" She asked, face lighting up like a Christmas tree. "Yeah!" Y/N said enthusiastically. They hugged each other. They then agreed that she'd meet him, in a few months when they were settled at school and more time has gone by with being able to hide their relationship there.

Everything looked great on paper, it all seemed to be worked out. As long as they stuck to the plan and controlled themselves around other people, this could work! After spending so much time apart, they were eager to begin their lives together, to start anew.

They knew they needed to wait and that they had to wait. So, this was a good and a bad thing. It allowed them to take their time and grow together, really get to know each other but it was also quite difficult because they had so much time they wanted to make up for. Their families would know and that would be nice but they wouldn't be able to go public with it. Sounded good on paper.

Cates phone rang as they laid in bed. She got up and answered it. This brought back the feelings Y/N felt that one morning when she thought Cate was cheating, when she made herself believe she was cheating. She no longer felt that way and actually felt a lot more secure than she did before.

She felt closer to Cate, more assured in their love for one another. This made her sad though, and maybe it always would. The sadness and guilt of not always feeling that way. The idea that she didn't trust Cate before, that she wasn't sure.

She felt foolish about that. She felt even more foolish about the way she reacted. She shook her head and tried to stop letting it eat at her. Cate came back in the room shortly. "I'm sorry, that was Lena" Cate said, smiling at her.

Lena was Cates ex wife. "She was calling about an incident Ash had in school. He isn't taking his schooling seriously. I mean, I know it's first grade... how serious can it be? But I just worry about him sometimes" Cate sighed.

"As a teacher, I feel I'm letting him down and as his mom" Cate sighed. "I mean, Lena has him the majority of the time and she's a wonderful mother, who cares for him very much" she prefaced.

"...but I was always the authoritarian. I was always bad cop and if I'm honest, I don't know how much discipline he's getting with me not around. I want to talk to Lena about it but it's such a touchy subject. I don't want her to think I'm criticizing her parenting" Cate said.

"During our marriage I criticized her a lot" Cate said. "About... everything, you name it! We we're just two very different people and I can be... a bit anal about how I want things to be done, especially with Ash. I... I got on her a lot and we had many fights about that" she said.

"Which is why I don't want to get on her now. You know? She's free of me, of my criticism... and then here I come, yet again, telling her how to do things. I just don't want to do that to her again" she said. "I don't know how to confront her with out being confrontational, you know?" Cate vented.

"That makes perfect sense. You probably also have a desire to show her how much you've changed. Even if you guys aren't getting back together... there's still this urge to show them you're different now. I understand that" Y/N admitted. Cate smiled at her.

"Yeah... I was a different person when we were married. I wasn't the best version of myself. I loved her a lot but for some reason, I just... I couldn't be my best version of myself when I was with her. Nobody's fault... just how that sort of thing goes sometimes" she said.

"I suppose I just got lost in every day life, I took her for granted and pushed hard on her sometimes. I regret that" Cate said. "I don't regret splitting because that's what was best but I do regret not giving it my all. No matter what my excuse was" she said.

"I understand that..." Y/N just listened and put her hand on Cates leg. "I'll be damned if I don't give this my all, though" Cate said, looking at Y/N lovestruck. Y/N looked back at her, the same way. "I understand that" Y/N said, leaning in.

**Author Note**

   HI EVERYONE! I'm sorry that I haven't been consistent with this story! I must admit I've lost interest in this story and I'm trying to get back into it again. I have ADHD and your girl has been writing nearly 7 other stories.

   Ugh! I'm sorry! You will have new stories soon, though! So, at least there's that! I'll do my best to keep up with this one. I intend to finish it. I'm sorry if it's slower than you'd like! If anyone has suggestions or things they'd like to see from this story, let me know! I'll be happy to consider the suggestions!

Love you guys!!

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