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   "Mom, I told you already! Her name is Cate. She was my English teacher, Junior and Senior year of High School!" Y/N was home not even 3 days and she was already exasperated by her mom. They got along just fine, they just clashed... their personalities were too similar and this caused a lot of tension and irritation.

   "What is her last name?" Her mom, Yolanda asked. "Blanchett... Miss Blanchett" it was all Y/N could do to hold back the irritable tone in her voice. "Oh, yes! I remember you talking about her. You loved her!!!" Yolanda put her hands in the air, remembering.

   "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you had a crush on her back then... but I know my baby doesn't roll that way" Yolanda actually pinched her cheeks. Y/N didn't say a word. She hadn't came out yet... her family wasn't judgmental or non accepting per say, they just... had a very strong Christian background that made them not love the idea. At least, that what she told herself.

   She didn't know how they'd react to be honest with you, and that's why she didn't say a word and still hasn't. She did of course realize that one day, it would come out but... they'd cross that bridge when they came to it.

   "This Cate... is she married?" Yolanda asked, being nosy about the soon to be guest. "No, she's not married" Y/N answered directly. "Any kids? Family?" Yolanda went on. "No children, she did mention her niece and sister though... I guess her sister has a boyfriend and they went over that way this year... that's why she's spending it alone or... was spending it alone" Y/N explained.

"Well, I'm glad you invited her. No one should spend the holidays alone. That's just depressing" Yolanda went on. "Almost as depressing as no husband and kids... my goodness" Yolanda said under her breath. This made Y/N's blood boil but she stayed silent.

   "How's your paper coming along?" Yolanda asked. "It's almost done. It needs a few more paragraphs and a proofread, then that should do it" Y/N answered.
"And that uh... women's lib class?" Yolanda rolled her eyes. "Yes, it's going well mom" she answered, a little short with her.

   Yolanda is old fashioned to say the least, and traditional roles are her thing. Little does she know, though... "women's lib" and feminist issues should matter the most to people like her but... whatever. She kept her mouth shut. She didn't feel like arguing before Cate got there or worse... WHEN she got there. Her mom never cares who's around, she says whatever she wants and she knew Cate would feel awkward.

   "I'm making a pot of coffee. Would you like some?" Y/N's dad, Dan peeked his head into the doorway. "Yes and make extra in case Cate wants some, would you?" Yolanda yelled, even though he isn't that hard of hearing. "Any for you, pancake?" Dan smiles at Y/N sweetly.

   "Yes, please! Thanks dad!" She smiled back. Then he made his way back to the kitchen to make the coffee. "Midge and Terrance are at her parents for Christmas" Yolanda said annoyed. Terrance is her brother, Midge is his wife.  "Oh, I'm sure they're happy to have them" Y/N smiled.

   "Who gives a fuck?" Yolanda's New York accent coming out stronger. "Mom! You know they have more family than just us... it's nice they're with them! Come on..." Y/N tried to stick up for them. "I'm writing them out of the will..." Yolanda laughed. Then Y/N laughed.

   "You're so dramatic, Jesus!" Y/N shook her head. Then, there it was... the doorbell. Y/N's heart beat so fast, it could've sprouted legs and ran away. "That's odd..." she thought to herself. She wasn't used to that feeling to tell you the truth. The last time she felt that was when she had a crush on her friends mom in sophomore year of college.

That crush went away of course when she realized that she was low key racist, though. For about 3 months she felt some type of way around her, however. She was still a beautiful woman but being hateful is an automatic turn off, I'm sure you could understand why. She moved to Florida anyways, so it's all good. She can be with her people, there.

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