Back at Kings Cross

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Here we are. Another beginning of the Hogwarts year. James Potter and Lily Evans. Here we are. Let's begin.

James Potter POV:

"Ah, James, watch over your sister, ok?" My mom told me. I shrug and heave my trunk up. My sister waited for me, hands on hips.

"Hurry up, you prat," she said, glaring at me. I raised my wand threateningly at her.

"I have friends as well. Don't make me hex you, I know a lot of good spells now." She whips her hair and snorts. Typical sister.

Just then, Sirius comes up. "Potter," he mutters at my sister and says," James!" To me. I nod and my sister grunts.

"Can't you be a bit less rude to your friend's sister?" She demands. Sirius chuckles and helps me with my trunk.

His hair is now getting darker and straighter. He is just about to say something when my sister clears her throat. "When you two are done there, you might want to greet your friend." She points at Remus.

Hey, look who's being a smart mouth. Again, I raise my wand in a threatening way. I give Remus a bear hug and Sirius claps his back. "Missed you man." I say, grinning. He smiles. He lifts his trunk and heads toward the Scarlet train.

Cecilia stares daggers at me and runs off. She comes back with Lily and Snivelly. I hear Sirius snort. "What'd you. Bring the prat and his pal for?" He asks. Snaps glares at us.

"Just so everyone could be nice to one another." She does a fake cheery smile. "Lily was nice to me anyway. Unlike this snot bucket, anyway." She gestures to Snape, who's lip curls.

"Shut up, you stupid little girl." He says, his eyes flashing with anger. I was going to kill him. But, my sister could handle herself.

She pulled her wand out calmly and pointed it at a sneering Snape. "I'm a stupid prancing little girl, right?" She was raising her voice now.

She muttered something under her breath. Something thin shot up Snape's nose. It was his wand. Lily looked exasperated. I chortled loudly with my sister and Sirius.

Shaking with extreme laughter, Cecilia and I hugged our mother goodbye and bid farewell t our father. Still overcome with joy, we reached an empty compartment.

"Ok. Good joke sis, but see you later," I say. Sirius kinda shrugs and Cecilia glares daggers at me. She pulls away from us. Soon, Remus reached us with Peter.

Peter is just as short as he was last year, but still quite stout. Remus is even lankier than me, but he looks a bit frail and wasted.

We head into the compartment, wondering what are lessons will be like this year. "Bet you anything the new DADA teacher is a fluffy marshmallow." I say. Our old one retired last year, Professor Kershakov. He was a Russian.

"I already know who he is actually." said Remus. He looked proud to present important and helpful information that we cared about. "The new Professor is Mrs. Van Stinkel, and she's from the Netherlands. Amsterdam specifically." He finished.

Sirius laughs at the name. I kinda do to. The good news is, Sirius and I are quite good at Defense Against Dark Arts. In fact, we are brilliant at everything we attempt.

Then, are compartment door bust open. I'm only too used to this by now. This time, it is not a foe, but a friend. Kingsley Shacklebolt.

"Listen, I'm in my last year here at Hogwarts. Arthur Weasley graduated from Hogwarts, so we need a new keeper. I must have looked confused.

"Quidditch." He says. I nod and beckon for him to continue. He rambles about winning the Cup. Sirius cuts him off. "Is that Malfoy dung out?" He asks hopefully, yet his tone is sharp.

"He'll leave when you three are in third year. He's also dating your cousin, I hear." And with that, Kingsley leaves the room.

I turn to Sirius. "You have a lot of explaining to do."


He draws out a map for us. We see his parents, connected to Malfoy's parents. Then, connected to two teenage girls: Bellatrix Black and Narcissa Black. Those Slytherin nuts are his cousins. There into intense dark magic.

Malfoy was dating Narcissa and Bellaxtix was a fifth year interested in Rudolphus Lestrange, another Slytherin. "Anyway, I'm related to all these prats." He sighs. I start to speak, but he cuts me off- "lets get to Hogwarts first."

Confused, I shut up. Sirius leans back, closes his eyes, and runs his hand through his hair. Suddenly, my sister enters the compartment with a boy who looks a bit like Sirius. Sirius looks up. He snarls.

The boy looks irate. "Cecilia, why'd you bring me here again?" He says loudly, looking at Sirius with contempt. Sirius jumps up. He pulls his wand out of his jeans.

"You prat. Stay away from me unless you want to get killed." He emphasizes the last word. The boy snorts.

"Shut up Sirius. You may be a year older, but I'm smarter." The boy says the sentence proudly.

"Relegus, when hell freezes over, you'll be smarter than me." Sirius says, glaring. "You are a retard." He looks angry.

Relegus flares up. "I am your brother. Treat me with more respect!" He stares at his brother, who sits down. I pat Sirius's shoulder, while looking at my sister. She shrugs and heads out after Relegus. She'd better be in Gryffindor.


Days of the Future Past: We were never gone; The MaraudersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin