James Potter

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We go visit Remus in the hospital. It's been three hours since we found Peter's shoes. Once arrived, Madam Pomfrey ushers us inside. Remus looks a tad pale and he is clutching a piece of parchment.

Also, Snape was in the bed next to him, looking green and apparently sleeping. "Amazing, what'd you do to Snivellus?" I chuckle heartily. Remus shakes his head.

"I put a spell on him to get this." Remus unfolds the parchment. It's my drawing. My stomach turns to knots. I draw my breath and sigh. I made that of Lily Evans and stuffed it my bag. How did Snape get it?

"Severus apparently found this in Sirius's bag. How he got it, I cannot figure out. All I know was that he was boasting it when we were outside and I hexed him to get it." Remus smiles sadly. Sirius shakes with anger.

"I DID NOT draw THAT!" Sirius yells. I put an arm on his shoulder.

"I know you didn't mate," I begin. "I drew it one class and I guess I accidentally put it in your bag not mine. " I say calmly. Sirius opens his mouth but I cut him off. "Snape probably got it when he broke in the dormitory."

Sirius shakes his head. "I always knew you had a thing for her," he laughs. Peter gives a small whimper and says something about "using the bathroom."

Now that I have got that secret off my chest, I feel so much better. I give a hollow laugh and bid Lupin a good night. Sirius and I head back to Gryffindor Tower.

On Monday, there is a thunderstorm, so Herbeology is canceled. Sirius and I play wizard chess and as my queen wrestles his rook of the board, we see Kingsley Shacklebolt come down the stairs talking to that Arthur Weasley character come down the stairs.

They are deep in conversation about Quidditch. "Sorry Arthur but I have a better chaser squad this year, you can't be on the team. It's just the way it has to be. Better luck next year." Shacklebolt waves Weasley away and stalks out the tower.

Arthur Weasley comes up to us. He extends his hand, but Sirius interjects. "We know who you are. Arthur Weasley and I'm Sirius Black and this is James Potter. " Arthur nods and says briskly," I heard about you and that Malfoy Prefect. He's a real prat with all that pure blood nonsense."

"I'm a pure blood but I don't call muggle borns mudbloods, do I now?" Says Sirius roughly.

"Yeah and neither do I, and I'm pure blood as well," I said. Weasley puts a hand up.

"I never said anything of the sort. I'm a pure blood too but I don't do anything like that now," he says. Sirius shrugs and goes up to the dormitory.

"He's been through a lot lately," I explain to a confused Arthur. "I'm going to go straighten him out." I say and leave the common room. As I mount the steps, I wonder what has Sirius riled up.

When I push the door open, I see Peter sleeping, curled up not facing me. Frank is still too embarrassed and angry to talk to me or Sirius. He pretends he forgot something in the library and he brushes past me in a desperate attempt to avoid interaction. Sirius is hunched over something, oblivious to me watching him.

He's reading a letter addressed to him from his parents:

Dear Sirius Black,

We cannot believe that you are not in Slytherin. You are in that scum excuse of a Hogwarts house. You broke the family tradition and we are very disappointed.

We still have your brother Relegus to put our faith into. As far as we are concerned, you are not a proper member of the Black family household. Of course, as long as we live, you absolutely have to be excepted in our home.

See you in the summer and try to request a change of house.

Your disappointed Parents,
The Blacks

Days of the Future Past: We were never gone; The MaraudersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin