James Potter

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______________________________________________I clap loudly as Sirius gets to the Gryffindor table. He shoots a smug grin at Snivellus and I laugh hard. He winks at me and then turns his attention to the sorting. I zone out until I hear a familiar name. "Evans, Lily!" The cute red head steps up to the stool. The second the hat is on her head, it shouts," Gryffindor!" I hear Snape groan a few people away from me. I can not help but feel triumphant at this. I notice Sirius scoot over for her, but she moves as far away from him as possible. I zone out again. I hear, "Pefroc, Daniel" get sorted to Hufflepuff. Then, "Potter, James!" Is shouted. I move my numb legs to the stool. I don't even listen to the hat. I'm in Gryffindor. I sit next to Sirius to see Snivellus trudge to the Slytherin table as the Prefect prat pats him on the back. I roll my eyes and dig in to my food. The amazing feast is rounded of with Dumbledore's speech. I follow a Prefect, with Sirius to our common room. I bump into a blonde Gryffindor's back as we halt. He turns and grins. I see that I bumped Remus. I did not notice he was in Gryffindor as well.

Also, Peter was sorted right before me into Gryffindor and I didn't even notice! A prefect gives us the password, which is banshee and we are admitted to a large room. A fire is near the very back, along with a dozen and a half armchairs and half a dozen tables.

"This, is our common room." A prefect says. He does a one eighty and points to the left, which has an opening and a staircase. "That is the girl's dormitory. You boys are not admitted there."He pointed to the right. "The boys dorm. The girls are admitted there though. First years, your dorm is at the top of the staircase. Please file along to sleep and you may explore in the morning."

I watch lily go through the girls opening. I wonder if she will visit me.

Sirius and I head to the top with Peter and Remus. We are joined by a thin faced dark haired boy. "Frank Longbottom." he says, introducing himself. We all greet and choose our beds. I put up a tornadoes poster on my wall next to my bed. The Tornadoes are one of the most elite English Quidditch teams. I put my trunk on my dresser along with my wand and glasses. I get in my four poster bed and draw the curtains tight. Frank's snores fill the room quickly. Peter whimpers himself to sleep. I peek through the curtains and see Remus still reading. Sirius is still decorating. I sit up, not tired suddenly. I remembered that my father had gotten me a surprise from the house. I sift through the items in my trunk.

I turn over countless books and cauldrons and feel a thin piece of clothing in my hands. It is a silver cloak that is new. I stare in awe at it. It is so light so amazing. Awestruck, Sirius looks at me. Frank wakes up, his mouth gaping at the cloak. Even Remus looks up from his book.

"Try it on, James." he croaks. Sirius nods and Frank keeps gulping. I slip it on me and feel weightless. I feel so peaceful and calm.

"Bloody hell! Where'd he go?" Frank yells. I hear Sirius chuckle. I hear a thunk and then Peter's wheezy voice.

"Where did James go?!!?" He sounds frantic and scared. Sirius howls louder. Even Lupin chuckles. "He has an Invisibility Cloak, Peter." Sirius let's out a hollow whistle. Frank is very pale. I pull it off. Peter screams.

I stuff the cloak in my bag. Peter gasps and tucks the blanket around himself. Sirius just smiles and keeps renovating. Remus is absorbed in his book again. Frank takes bug breaths and stares out the window. I listen to the wind howl outside. Sirius tacks up a Chudley Cannons poster to his wall, another Quidditch team. I reorganize my bag and keep the cloak concealed.

"Good night chaps."

Days of the Future Past: We were never gone; The MaraudersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin