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Remus Lupin POV

Our detentions were tonight. I can't believe that I have detention but Sirius does not. He sadly waves to me, James and Lily as we depart from the Gryffindor common room. James and Sirius had secretly told Peter and I about their private session with Kingsley.

"Yeah, James was amazing at seeker. He never missed a single one of the baseballs and golf balls Kingsley threw at him. Too bad first years can't be on the team. Next year maybe." Said Sirius. He looked at James admiringly.

"Yeah, I was pretty great." Had said James. He was chuckling.

Anyway, after, I asked Sirius how he'd done, and he thought he played like dung. I patted him and assured him he was fine.

So, we headed to the staff room. Lily wasn't talking still, and James was looking stony faced. "Last time, Vector made me clean his office with Sirius. It took hours." James whispered to me.

Once we got there, Mcgonagall looked surprised. "Lupin, Evans, you must have walked into the wrong room."

"What am I, fried liver?" Said James. Mcgonagall looked at him sternly.

"I have become accustomed to your weekly visits Potter." Her voice was cool, but her eyes were ablaze.

"The reason James and I are here is because Lucius Malfoy called me a Mudblood and we hexed him." Said Lily, twisting her fingers nervously.

"What!?" Shouted Mcgonagall, looking alarmed and furious. "Who gave you detention?" She asked, more collected now.

"Malfoy, ma'am. He said we should be disgraced to be jinxing a prefect and in a Muggle-born's presence." Said James, looking worried himself.

"One: How do you both know how to hex someone? And two: Malfoy should be in detention, not you!" Said Mcgonagall. James and Lily shrugged to the first question and nodded to the second.

"You are free to go, Potter and Evans. As for you Lupin, why are you here?" Mcgonagall asked sharply, as James and Lily left, looking relieved and anxious.

"You see, professor, Malfoy provoked me by calling me stupid and a bookworm. He also took ten unnecessary points from Gryffindor." I concluded, trying not to look too hopeful.

"Malfoy again!? He shall be docked of twenty points and given two detentions. Lupin, you won't have detention, but you lose the house five points. Understood?" I nodded and she pointed to the door.

"Um, Professor? Severus Snape was put in detention because of the M word comment, so does he have detention?" I studied her, looking for pity. She nodded and dismissed me.

I ran out of the staff room and went straight into a solid figure. I looked at it and saw Snape. "You don't have detention." I say quickly and run without looking back.

When I mount the steps to Gryffindor tower, I see a shocking sight. James and Lily are embracing and kissing. I quickly turn around, and go down the corridor. I will go anywhere but there. Everything is just wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Days of the Future Past: We were never gone; The MaraudersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin