The Hollidays

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James Potter POV

The deathday party went horrible. For one, there was no food to eat that wasn't expired. Also, Peeves had started to make everyone's hats explode.

"That, was horrible." Sirius concludes afterward. I nod in agreement and Peter shuffles his feet uncomfortably. Then, we run straight into Snape.

As soon as he lays his black eyes on me, his eyes narrow. His stupid companions, Avery and Mulciber, snorted with laughter at Peter. His face flushed and he suddenly pulled his wand out.

Snarling so did the Slytherins. I pulled mine out. Sirius's had been out for a while. "Expillarmus!" Peter shouted. He badly missed Avery and the spell rebounded on himself.

His wand flew towards Snape, who was unable to catch it. He dropped it and sneered at Peter. "Walliwaski!" He shouted and Peter flew backwards, his wand flying in his face.

I quickly disarmed Mulciber and Sirius disarmed Avery. Now, it was two on one. "Immperdimate!" I shouted. A new spell I learned in Charms. It made Snape start to get tied up in his own hair. Levicorspus, I thought, and Snape was lifted in the air.

"Expelliarmus!" Shouted Sirius. Snape's wand flew into a classroom.

Then, Malfoy showed up. The slimy git. "Reducto!" He bellowed and Sirius was blown backwards.

"Tolengo!" I cried, and Malfoy kept bouncing across the walls. " Relashio!" I say, and he is tied up.

I laugh rather loudly. "Detention, Potter!" He bellows. I shrug and stow my wand away. Ah, the good times.


"Madame Pomfrey, is Remus Lupin still here?" I ask politely.

"What do you mean?! He was never in the hospital wing besides that incident in September!" She says. I can tell by her tone she's only telling us half the truth.

Sirius looks triumphant and Peter looks frightened and puzzled. After dinner, Sirius pulls me aside. "Listen, I've got a theory about Remus. I think he's a werewolf." He says sharply.

"A WHAT!?" I choke on my food. Sirius actually looks, well, serious. He pats my shoulder.

"You know what I said." He goes on calmly. "A wolf," he pauses for drama.

"A WO-" I start, but Sirius slaps my back. He glares at me.

"Not here, you prat. I've got a feeling Snivellus wants to hear our conversation." He says, shooting Snape a sour look. I nod and gesture him to follow me to the common room.

Sirius talks to me on the way up to the tower. "You said what, Black?" Came an incredulous voice behind us. I withdraw my wand.

Malfoy stands there, grinning ear to ear. "Jesus Christ Malfoy, you've got big ears for an AS-" Sirius is cut short by me.

"Stop, I know what to do," I mutter to him. He nods and shoots Malfoy an evil grin. "Obliverate." I say under my breath, pointing my wand at dear old Lucius.

His eyes go blank and he snaps back to reality. "Potter, Black, get to your common room. NOW!" He thunders, addressing Sirius's mischievous gleam in his eyes.

I drag Sirius back. "Memory Charm." I hiss at him. "Advanced Magic. Good thing I pay attention in Charms." I grin broadly and Sirius chuckles.

"Your good."


November flies by as Quidditch becomes more popular. Every other night, Sirius and I watch the Different houses practice. We spy for Kingsley so he can get new tactics.

"Good job James and Sirius. I'll be looking forward to putting you two on the team next year." He smiled at us.

December comes and soon Mcgonagall is in the Gryffindor common room. "Anyone who wishes to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas is more than welcome." She says. Sirius quickly signs his name, and I notice Lily and Remus do. Eventually, I decide to, and write a letter to my parents.

Dear mum and dad,

Hello. I'm having a great time here at school. I think I'll stay Christmas Holliday because Sirius, the boy I met at the station, wants company. He and his family kind of dislike each other. I hope you guys are having a great time at home.

James Potter

When I've revised it to make it sound good, I hastily attach it to my owl's leg and send her off. "Your staying, Potter?" Says Malfoy, jeering.

I shrug and turn away from him. "Hey, look! Potter isn't wanted at home. Personally, I wouldn't want him either," he says loudly. A lot of Slytherins snigger.

"At least I have a life, ickie wickle Lucius. Go home to your mummy and daddy so they can feed you up. They don't want to be separated from their precious baby d-" Malfoy had enough.

"Ten points Potter! Keep yourself in check." He turns away, nose high.

"Hey, Potter, guess who I caught trying to steal your cloak?" Says sneering voice behind me.

Days of the Future Past: We were never gone; The MaraudersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin