The Biggest prat ever

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James Potter POV:

Rooted with my twelfth detention( in the month) I headed to the Staffroom with Sirius, who had detention as well.

Our Saturday had gone to waste because it snowed last night and hailed all today, making the weather quite ugly.

We hadn't even been able to watch Quidditch practice for Gryffindor. We raced down the Tower steps to the Staffroom. Slughorn awaited us, smiling.

"James, you have detention with me, dear old chap! Sirius," he said, his eyes narrowing. "Detention with Flitwick. You'll be charming Ravens and frogs to quiet down in his office. As for you, Potter, you are going to help me clean up the Potions room after a particularly nasty NEWT experience." he chuckled and said merrily, "Follow along."


Sirius Black POV:

It took about an hour to calm the animals. Flitwick let me off easy, as I was quite good at Charms. I whistled and headed back to Gryffindor Tower. James surely wouldn't be back yet. I had time.

I headed to the library, which was surprising. I saw Evans and Snape in there, but at separate tables. Snape appeared to be weighed down with work, while Evans was doing light reading.

I headed into the section about advanced wizard magic in the twentieth century. Anamagi, Anamagi, I think. Finally I found a really helpful book. How to avoid the pressure of being an anamagi, by Armando Dippet. The prat.

I see nothing helpful, so I turn to leave. "What's the occasion, Black?" Comes a rude voice. I whip my wand out.

"No unhelpful magic, Black." the voice was cheerful. " Let's see, 5 points for Black, for being stupid. Ten because Evans is a mudblood-"

"Immpendima!" I shout and Malfoy gets blasted against a wall.

I hear a shout behind me. " Densaugeo!" Snape yells, hitting me. My teeth grew instantly, past my chin, collar... the stupid git!

"Furnunculus!" Shouted Malfoy quickly, and great boils sprouted from my nose. That arse! I hate him so much.

Lily took a page out of James book. "Salvio." she pointed her wand at Malfoy, who grew a ridiculous beard. I guffawed, but then remembering my own state. Malfoy and Snape were about to shout, when I acted instinctively. "Protego!" I bellow, and a shield erupts between us.

"Let's go," Lily says quietly, grabbing my arm. She escorts me to the Hospital Wing, where I think about my vengeance on that stupid prat.


James Potter POV:

I finish detention at 9:30, about two and a half hours worth of detention. Cursing Malfoy, I set off to find Sirius. That's when I run into Malfoy himself.

"Sup Malfoy." I say cooly. Malfoy looks taken aback at this, but regains his composure.

"Potter." His eyes flare, never a good sign. "Stupid Potter." he sighed heavily.
He drew nearer. He whipped his wand out. "Reducto!" He shouted.

I shouted at precisely the same time. "Levicorspus!" Malfoy hung in the air while I got my shirt and face singed.

We both had our wands still. Malfoy beat me to the punch. "Expelliarmus!" He smiled triumphantly as he caught my wand. I sighed and put my hands up in defeat.

Malfoy, still in mid-air, flicked his wand at me and a white jet of light stabbed me like a knife in my torso. Illusionists pain charm, I thought. Just then, Mcgonagall rounded the corner.

When she caught sight of Malfoy, she squealed and set the counter jinx on him. She saw the gash in my robes and had a horrified look on her face.

"Malfoy!" She turned, fuming. "Seventy points from Slytherins and a weeks worth of detention! Go to your Common Room!" She yelled, beet red.

"Potter." She turned to me. "Where'd you learn that spell?"


Remus Lupin POV:

I strode out the Common Room, hustling to find James. I wanted to talk to him about the discovery I made on the seventh floor. I wrote down all its secrets on a piece of parchment rolled up in my hand.

The Room of Requirement. It came to your bidding when you needed something. Perfect for looking up Anamagi spells and practicing them. Not safe for a werewolf serious transformation though. Good enough, I suppose.

Immersed in my thoughts, I didn't realized I bumped a Prefect. "Sor-" I don't get the words out. I look up to see a disgruntled Malfoy, not noticing me, but studying the point system.

Last since I checked, Gryffindor had lost twenty now, leaving us at a solid two hundred forty seven, behind a 249 pointed Ravenclaw. Next, to my surprise, was Hufflepuff, with 207. Slytherins had 230 earlier, but now had 160.

"I can't believe I lost seventy points because of Potter. That son of a bi-" he started, but looked at me, startled.

"Hello, Lupin." he says cooly. I look into his pale grey eyes, which narrow as his eyebrows raise.

"I don't need a greeting from you, thanks." I say coldly.

He looks quite shocked. He whips out his wand. Funny he thinks we should always duel. Classic.

But he doesn't point it at me, as anticipated. He turns, breathing ever so slightly. His face breaks into a malice filled grin as he looks at Lily with disgust.

"You stupid Mudblood. Get out my space, your dirtying my robes. Mind you, people of your kind pollute the Ear-" he never finished as I was red hit with anger.

"Transmorgrifan!" Malfoy and I both yell, shooting daggers at one another. Me, James Sirius and Peter have spent a lot of time studying advanced spells. Our two whitish blueish lights collide and burst. Malfoy's hits the wall while mine hits a suit of armor which twitches madly and shrinks and crunches crazily.

Malfoy's spell rebounds of the wall and hits a statue, and while it gets tortured, Malfoy stalks off while Lily runs away.
Not a typical day.

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