The Sorting

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I'm gonna begin with an A/N. So, I know I said I wouldn't update until you guys put up more reads, votes and comments. But, I kinda wanted to update so here I am. This may be a bit crappy, since I barely spent time on it. So well, here it goes.

                       Cecilia POV:

Well, that worked out real fine. Sirius treated his brother like a piece of crap, Relegus refuses to speak to me and I missed snacks from the old witches trolley. I'm in a terrible state.

I'm probably gonna kill anyone who tries to comfort me. Anyway, Molly Prewitt, Alice's sister, will get married with Arthur Weasley in two years. Arthur left, he's now 19 and Molly just turned 18 years old. Fabian and Gideon, Molly's twin brothers are sulking around, because they consider themselves her protectors, even though they're only 14.

I met a lot of Lily's friends that's how I know all of this. Anyway, I'm about to pass out. Of extreme disorder of boredom and annoyance.


The sorting is here. It's kinda exciting. I see Jamsie poo sitting with Sirius, Rem and Pettigrew. I despise the little rat. He's a piece of...

"Hello! Welcome back to old students and warm hugs and sparkles to new students!" Says Dumbledore. Sparkles? What the hell was wrong with him? He's acting a bit of an idiot. The babbling, brilliant yet loony and mad Dumbledore. I scan the crowd of old students.

I spot Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black and Bellatrix Black at the Slytherin table, along with Mulciber and Avery. At the Ravenclaw table, I see Vatehyl Patil and Xeno Lovegood, the freak who never shuts up about wackspurts and nargles.

At Gryffindor, I see all of my friends faces. I then see Severus take a seat now. A blur of faces pass by in the Sorting, but then it's my turn.

"Cecilia Potter!" A great mummer of gasps, claps and laughs at this. Apparently my brother is popular. I sit down and the moth eaten excuse of a hat is placed on my head.

Well well well. We have yet another potter. You are very loyal and hard worker, showing the aspects of Hufflepuff. However, you are cunning, like the Slytherin. You are brilliant, earning you a place in Ravenclaw. You are brave at heart showing your Gryffindor.

We can cross out Ravenclaw, I can sense you think they're snobs. What's that?

I don't want to live in my brothers shadow. Don't put me in Gryffindor. I don't want to be there.

That leaves two options: Slytherin and Hufflepuff. You would do well in either. But you are not meant for Hufflepuff.

Hell no! What the Fat friar do you think you're doing!? Nono no!

You'd better be, "SLYTHERIN!" Oh crap! I'm gonna be disowned.

Days of the Future Past: We were never gone; The MaraudersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin