That's All Folks!

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So, this concludes year 1 at Hogwarts for the Marauders! This book, for your information, was named The Cursed Blood of Hogwarts. It was dedicated to the Blacks and the Malfoy family, but the rest will be sorely to the Marauders, Lily Evans and Severus Snape.

This is not the end of Legacy however. Legacy will consist of all seven years of Hogwarts for the four friends.

I felt that there was no point continuing the story. It basically ended with James and Sirius battling Malfoy and Snape over the Invisibility Cloak and lots of blood was drawn.

The next book will be called Messing with Scorpions and Skrewts. A lot of Dark Magic will be used and Snape and Malfoy will once again be issued, as well as a bunch of kids in a Slytherin gang.

However, a new, original character, who will be known as Cecilia Potter, will be included. She is basically a Fred, George and teenage Sirius combined. Be on the watch for her and a new book I may be currently creating. Thanks!


Days of the Future Past: We were never gone; The MaraudersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin