Chapter 10 - Deadly passion

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What is this? I can't see. But it feels so hot. Why do I feel like I'm drenched? What am I holding in my hands?

Suddenly, light embraced me as sight came back to my eyes.

Fire? Blood?

I looked around, noticing that the mansion was burned down, and a blood trail followed me. I looked down at myself to see my body covered in red juices, and... Rege and Aidan's heads were in my hands.

"Genjy, are you ok?"

"Oh, I was just daydreaming."

For some reason, I've been getting a lot of those dreams, as if trying their very best to make me feel like I'd be everyone's downfall. But I don't think I'd really care if they were to die, even if it was by my hands.

"Dandy, RPG. What did your tallness have to say to me?"

Blue was unconcerned as he was on the side, close to RPG lying down on an abnormally big and colorful tortoise, still playing his games. Where does he even get these things?

"I was asking how you were alive. I'm pretty sure I saw you die in the battle. You even have red hair now."

"Someone found me and patched me up. Before you ask who it was, I advise you not to ask. Though I don't know about my hair being dyed, and I am surprised that you knew it was me."

Gonna be an annoying conversation if I try to explain everything.

"Anyway, the robocon should be here by now, where the he-"

"Is that him?"

"Oh gosh, dang it."

Really lives up to the name, doesn't he?

Walking towards us at the speed of a snail was Astro, who had a bunch of robot parts and some lollipops, one of which in his mouth with a smile that I thought only the grinch could do.

"What happened to 'within 30 minutes'? It's been almost an hour! Ya know, for a person who can move at light speed, you're damn slow!"

"Relax, I've got coupons for you right here...?"

He pokes around his 7 pockets only to stop.

There is no way, right?

"I lost it getting the parts and lollipops. Want one?"

The robocon shoved one of his lollipops into my face and rubbed it against my lips as he said that.

"This is the man who is supposedly smart enough to build a rocket that uses light to move."

I knocked the lollipop out of his hand, and he still seemed unbothered.

Wait a minute. Now that I think about it, how does that spaceship keep going when away from other objects?

"I knew you'd find a way to get the coupons, so I went exploring."

I am at my limit with this robocon.


"So while I was working to get coupons so we could get in, you went out shopping."

"Yeah abou-"

- Wwwaaahhhhh, my ability, my precious ability, is going away because of a stupid low life *sniff*

*sniff* Huh? ha- hahaa- *sniff* The red urchin is being hung from his legs as sweet Prince holds on to him. Haha- hahaha *sniff*

"Let go of me, anserine robocon!!"

He was flailing one hand around, trying to hit sweet Prince, as he used the other hand to hold up his skirt as he yelled out.

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