Chapter 20 - Search?

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Chapters were a little later but I had to make sure that some things were in place before I could release the chapter including a few new things as you might see. Anyway, enjoy the chapter and see you guys in two weeks!


Monday, December 15

Year ???g

Unknown A.M.

4 days until the Birthday



Flying through an indoor space and into many TVs within 10 seconds after flashes of smoke and light. I was finally able to catch myself on a wall just outside of the office.

I looked up to try and find what happened, but cold crystals blocked the door. I exasperatedly shook my head in every direction seeing myself surrounded by people... Horses standing up like people... Very short bobbleheads too. What is this world coming to? Even I'm not keeping up with it enough to just ignore it. Though I have been off my game with keeping myself in check at least I'm not having problems with the Eiffel Tower being a hippopotamus being fed fruits.

"You are sUUuuURrRrroOOoouUUuuUnded! Please cCcCoOOoOoMmMmMmEEeEe with us quietly, or we will use lethal fOOoRRrRrcCeeE!"

One of the bobbleheads said in a spring tone. (Reverberations that happen with springs in cartoons)

"Why would I? For that matter, why are you all doing this? Don't you all have food to eat, a wife and kids... Actually don't answer the 'wife and kids' part I'm not feeling for it. I hope you guys wank off for life anyway."

They all look at me in pure confusion before the crack of a vein formed on all of their foreheads. Just then I saw an unfamiliar nostalgic name, TD Killer's, do I really remember something like that? Oh yeah, back in that very weird house. Though TD is the thing that still bothers me a bit, speaking of, Aidan is ok, right? He should be fine. He has a pretty great ability, so I doubt he would be struggling that much, in fact, he's probably done by now.

Anyway, they became mad, and multiple angry sounds crashed into each other.


"DON'T SAY THAT AGAIN!!" (Very squeaky voice)


They all say as some ready their guns, others charged right in, and the last few had flamethrowers. Now tell me. Is that not unfair? I know what I said and I still mean it but what the f*ck

I've got to shut up at one point. First, I need to figure out what to do against the ones closing in rapidly. How? How? How? Just send them to dust. I know that but I can't do too much. This is where I wish I could just destroy people's molecules I've tried and tried but for some reason, it just never works.

Maybe I can do something. I doubt they would shoot where their friends are for no reason. So those glass vests must be bulletproof. Why do I feel like time has slowed? It's just you, now shut up and think I've got a feeling something good is going to happen. Of course, ya germ. Wait... germ. I can use bacteria to make a rope that holds them up in front of me. A lot would be needed though and even then I can't see them. The area is huge so that is no problem but- Shut up and just do it!

I moved my hands and tried my hardest to gather what was invisible to my fingers as the disgusting white substance touched my finger and starts to form networks. I pull on it somehow catching every single person that was charging at me.

"The hHhHhHEEeEeCcCccKKkKk is this?"


Of course, I got it. I am the best. You are the best. Didn't ask for your opinion. But I'm you. Doesn't matter. You'll regret being so mean to yourself. I won't, anyway, I have a little show to finish up.

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