Episode 5: Showdown in Pewter City

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🎵Pokémon: Indigo League - Theme Song🎵

The episode begins when we see Team Rocket digging a hole.

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.

James: To unite all peoples within our nation.

Jessie and James: To denounce the evils of truth and love. To extend our reach to the stars above.

Jessie: Jessie.

James: James.

Meowth slams his shovel to the ground.

Meowth: Meowth! I don't get why you two are always talking and I'm stuck doing all the work!

Jessie: We haven't got much time. If they're heading for Pewter City, they'll have to pass this way.

James: And they'll fall right into our trap.

Team Rocket continues digging the hole and then cover it up.

Meowth: Come on! Dig it deeper, and we'll cover it up so well, they'll never guess its a trap. Ha! Perfect!

However, as soon as they cover it, James screams in panic as he loses track of it.

James: I can't even tell where the trap is!

Jessie: Wasn't it here?

James: Is this it?

Jessie: Where did it go?

Meowth: It's over there!

Team Rocket notice the ground giving way under them and scream as they fall into their trap. The scene transitions over to Ashley and Misty arriving near Pewter City.

Narrator: Continuing her quest to become the world's greatest Pokémon trainer, Ashley finally finds her way out of the Viridian Forest.

Ashley notices Pewter City out in the distance.

Narrator: No doubt some new and surprising challenges lie ahead for Ashley, Jigglypuff, and Misty.

Misty: That must be Pewter City!

Ashley sits and rests on a rock.

Ashley: Phew. For a while there I thought was going to be in this forest for the rest of my life!

Jigglypuff: Puff.

???: Pewter City is grey, the color of stone. This town has always been famous for stone.

Ashley: Huh? What the? Who's this old guy?

Misty: Never met him.

???: The name's Flint, and some of you are sitting on some of my merchandise young lady.

Ashley: Oh! Sorry. You mean you sell rocks?

Flint: Pewter City souvenirs. Wanna buy some?

Ashley: No thanks. I'm traveling, trying to become a Pokémon trainer.

Flint: Well, some of your Pokémon may be worn out. Why don't you all follow me? I'll show you to the Pokémon Center.

Ashley: See? Looks can be deceiving. He's a really nice guy.

Misty: Are you sure?

Flint: By the way, that'll be a two dollar charge for resting on my rocks.

Ashley and Misty falls over in disbelief. Ashley and Misty are now at the Pokémon Center.

Ashley: Please, revitalize my Pokémon.

Nurse Joy: Sure, right away, Ashley.

Ashley: Huh? Nurse Joy?

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