Episode 10: Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village

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🎵Pokémon: Indigo League - Theme Song🎵

Narrator: Our young hero Ashley leads her friends deep into the forest. Since she doesn't have a compass, Ashley must rely purely on her instincts. And that means trouble!

Ashley: I'm positive that this way will take us back to the path.

Jigglypuff: Jiggly.

Brock: Positive, huh?

Misty: That's what you said an hour ago. I'm tired. Phew. I told you to stick to the main road, but you had to take a shortcut.

Ashley: I took a shortcut? It was you who said to go this way.

Misty: Ha! If I was leading, we wouldn't have gotten lost like this!

Ashley: Who says we're lost?

Misty: Listen, genius. If you don't know where you are or where you're going, that means you're lost.

Brock: Chill, chill!

Misty: Alright. But remind me to yell at you some more when we get to Vermilion City.

Later, our heroes take a break near a rock.

Ashley: Time for a break. Hm?

Ashley looks over behind her.

Ashley: Oh, wow! A Pokémon!

Ashley gets out her Pokédex to analyze it.

Dexter: Oddish. This Pokémon is typically found roaming the forest scattering pollen as it walks around.

Ashley: I'll catch it.

Misty: Hold it!

Ashley: What for?

Misty: Because I'm gonna catch that Pokémon.

Ashley: Ah, no way, Misty. I saw it first.

Misty: But we found it around the water, and water is my specialty.

Misty: Go, Starmie!

Misty throws a Pokéball and Starmie comes out and lands in front of Oddish before Oddish goes another way.

Misty: Water Gun, now!

The attack sends Oddish into the air.

Misty: Now that's the way to spray! Tackle it, Starmie!

The attack lands and Oddish is knocked out.

Misty: That weakened it! Gotta catch it, now! Pokéball, go!

However, the Pokéball is knocked out of the air by another Pokémon.

Misty: Uh oh.

Our heroes look to see a Bulbasaur standing in front of Oddish.

Ashley: Wow! I can't believe it! A Bulbasaur!

Ashley analyzes Bulbasaur with her Pokédex.

Dexter: Bulbasaur. It bares the seed of a plant on its back from birth. The seed slowly develops. Researchers are unsure whether to classify Bulbasaur as a plant or animal. Bulbasaur are extremely tough and are very difficult to capture in the wild.

Bulbasaur uses Tackle and defeats Starmie in a single hit.

Misty: Oh! Oh, Starmie! Are you okay?

Ashley: Now it's my turn to try! Bulbasaur is mine! Pidgeotto, I choose you!

Ashley throws a Pokéball and Pidgeotto comes out.

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