Episode 17: Island of the Giant Pokémon

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🎵Pokémon: Indigo League - Theme Song🎵

The episode opens as we see a preview of the previous episode.

Narrator: Last time, Magikarp evolved into Gyarados, and our heroes were swallowed up in the deadly power of its Dragon Rage!

Everyone screams as they're swallowed, as Team Rocket rises upward, our heroes join hands and try to hold on to each other.

Ashley: Hey, guys! Whatever happens, don't let go!

Our heroes lose their grip and are sucked further into the cyclone.

Narrator: Talk about twists of fate! Round and round they go. Where they'll stop, even I don't know!

The scene opens with Ashley, Misty and Brock washed up on a beach.

Ashley: How did I get on a beach?

Ashley spots Misty.

Misty! Misty, wake up!

Misty spots Brock.

Ashley: Hey, Brock!

Brock and Misty come around.

Misty: How did we get here?

Brock: How did we survive that cyclone?

Ashley: Hey! We were lucky!

Ashley then notices something.

Ashley: But, where did Jigglypuff go?

Ashley then notices something else and screams.

Ashley: I only have two of my Pokémon!

Elsewhere, a Krabby finds and pinches the legs of Jessie and James, who are buried in the sand head first, and causes them to come out in pain.

Jessie: Could it be?

James: Does this mean...

Jessie and James: We survived again!

Jessie and James hug each other in tears of joy.

Jessie: We're the completely invincible..

James: Unbeatable..

Jessie and James: Team Rocket!

They notice that something, or someone, is missing.

Jessie: But I don't hear any annoying..

James: Complaining.

Jessie and James: Meowth is missing!

They both notice something else.

Jessie: I lost the Pokéball with the Ekans I got for my birthday last year!

James: The Pokéball with the Grimer I got for Christmas is gone, too! And we're totally broke!

Jessie: We're penny-less and Poké-less.

Jessie drops to her knees.

Jessie: How will we survive?

Jessie holds some sand as it falls from her hands like in an hourglass.

Jessie: Time is running out for the both of us.

James: We could always call for help.

Jessie looks up and gasps.

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