Chapter 6

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The first trace of light came shining through the curtains. I yawned has my eyes opened up. I turned over and stare at the empty side of the bed, it was the first time after 3 years to wake up by myself. I sighed has I sat up from the bed and rubbed my eyes. A knock came from the door."Come in," I said sleeply.

A sweet aroma of coffee crept into the room has Rhett walked in holding two cups of coffee in each hand"Good morning," he smiled and handed me one of the coffee he was carrying," How did you sleep?"

"Alright I guess." I replied, accepting the coffee from Rhett's hand.

He sat down at the end of the bed,"Bad dream?"

"No not exactly, I just need some time to adjust to things," I replied.

I took a sip of the coffee. The hot liquid burned my tounge,"Ouch!The coffee is hot!" I yelled, pulling the mug away from my lips.

Rhett chuckled,"Sorry about that, I meant to warn you."

We sat there again in slience,sipping our coffee till it was all gone.

"Well...." Rhett slowly got off the bed, " We should get ready for work."

He left the room. I still sat on my bed. I didn't want to go to work. I slowly forced myself off the bed and pulled out my suit case. I settled for skinny jeans and a graphic tank top. I didn't really feel like doing my hair or make up so I just put my hair in a bun and went down stairs.

Rhett was standing in front of the door, " Hey you ready? Link is here to pick us up."

I nodded, Quickly grabbing a granola bar for breakfast and walking out the door with Rhett. Link was surprised to see me leave the house with Rhett and get in the car.

"Uh.....Hey Beth what you doing here with Rhett?" He asked.

I took a deep breath and sighed. I didn't really feel like giving people an hurt to much to talk about it. Thankfully, Rhett stepped in and answered for me," Her husband was cheating on her so she left him. I found her sleeping at the studio and offer her to stay at my place."

Link looked back at me to see me nodding confirming it was true."I'm really sorry to hear that Beth." He responded sympathetic.

I didn't say anything back. We rode the rest of the way in silence till we got to the studio.

I sat at my desk just staring at the computer screen. I have been slacking on editing videos. Even though I loved doing it, it has been feeling more of a chore that needs to be done; it feels like that with everything now days . Will I be able to snap out of this.....I guess it's safe to say depression? A question that will linger in the back of my head.

Rhett and Link walk in the office together,"Hey Beth!" They both said cheerfully.

"Hey." I responed grimly, not even turning away from my computer screen.

Rhett and Link sat in there chairs and faced me. "Beth can we ask you something?" Link spoke.

I spun my chair around to face them,"What is it?" I said, it coming out more bitchy than I wanted it.

"We were just wondering if we could take you out for lunch." Rhett replied shyly.

"You both wanna take me out to Lunch? Why?" I questioned.

"We know that things have been hard on you these past few days. So Rhett and I wanna do something nice for you." Link smiled and grabbed his keys.

"And we aren't talking no for answer." Rhett stated.He too got out of his chair, walked over to the door, opened it and signals me to come.

I was really touched by there offer so I got out of my chair and walked out the door that Rhett was holding.

"So where do you wanna eat?"Link asked has he pulled out of the parking lot onto the road.

"Name any place." Rhett encouraged.

"Well there is place called the Cailforna Grill and it's my favorite restaurant." I expressed.

"No way! We love that place!" Rhett exclaimed.

Has we drove to the resurant I was beggining to lighten up a bit. When we walked through the restaurant however there was an unpleasant surprise.

Behind his hazel eyes (Rhett and Link Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now