Chapter 9

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A week had gone by and I was feeling a bit more like myself. The pain is still there, its just slowly eating me away. Rhett and Link however help with the pain a bit.There presence and just being around them in general brings some sort of escape.

I sit in my office chair staring boredly at my computer. I was caught up on everything and I just was waiting for the new episode of GMM to finish so I could edit it. I pulled away from my desk and bent over to grab my guitar that was hiding under the desk.

I laid the case gentley against the desk and began strumming away. I played a few songs that I knew by heart, carefully fingering each note correctly.. Soon enough I started to sing the lyrics if each song that I played. I was in my music zone.

I finished the last song that I knew and a sound of clapping came behind me. I turned around to see Rhett was the one clapping for me.
"Uh....Hey Rhett," I was a little embarrassed,"How long have you been standing there?"

"I heard you down the hall after Link and I finished recording," he pulled up his office chair and took a seat," I didn't know you played guitar. You are really good!"

I looked down at my guitar and blushed a little bit,"Thanks,not many people know I play the guitar."

"You also have a really beautiful voice." He complemented.

I was again blushing and looking down,"Thank you again." I replied.

Why was I so nervous around him?

Rhett bounced out of his seat and stood up eagerly,"Wait here!"

He left the room. I sat there and waited patiently till Rhett came back holding his own gutiar.He sat down back in his seat and looks at me," I want us to play something together."

With out a moment to lose Rhett began strumming his guitar,"Keep up if you can." He joked.

I rolled my eyes, smiled and joined in. The moment couldn't have been more perfect, our voices were so strong and well synchronized together when we started singing. Our voices has long with our guitars complimented each other has we sang an epic duet. The song came to an end and we sat there in silence. Stevie walks in,"There you are Rhett! I have been looking for you. You and Link have a meeting that you need to go to.Chop chop!" She ordered.

Rhett does what he is told and gets up to leave. Before leaving to the Hall way Rhett gives me a hug. He pulls away but puts his hands on my shoulders."That was amazing Beth! We should do that again." He says with excitement.

Stevie steps to the side of the door way to let Rhett out first. She looks back at me and gives me a look," Some one is in love." She remmarks before following after Rhett.

I shake my head and turn back to put my guitar way. Rhett might have a little crush on me but love me was out of the question. Love was something that only existed in fairytales and not in really life. I had to learn that the hard way.

I went back on the computer and started to edit today's video with the time spent with Rhett still lingering in my mind.

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