Chapter 14

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A week went by and my unhealthy feelings for Gabe were slowing fading. My heart was still a little broken though.

Our relationship so far haden't been openly shared to the public yet. Hell my mom didn't even know I was seeing someone but I was still angry at her. I at least wasn't having any plan of sharing this relationship anytime soon.

I slept peacefully until I felt warm lips pressed up against mine. My eyes fluttered open and my eyes met with Rhett's."Goodmoring." I smiled and stretched.

"And Good Morning to you too!" Rhett smiled.

I looked over to the night stand to find a tray full of food."Is this for me?" I asked,picking up a rose that laid next to the plate.

Rhett nodded and picked up the tray."Happy Birthday!" He said with excitement.

I was flattered."How do you know it was my birthday today?" I questioned has he set the tray on my lap.

He sat on the edge of the bed," I have known ever since you started working with us." He replied.

I blushed. I stroked his cheek," Thank you.....This is so sweet of you."

Rhett pulled my hand down from his cheek and held it,"Your welcome." He said.

He leaned over and kissed my cheek," I'm gonna go get ready for work but you sit here and enjoy your breakfast." He got up and left the room.

I ate my breakfast and set the tray aside so I could get up. I took a shower and put my hair in a messy braid. I settled on wearing high-waisted jeans and wearing my GMM shirt. I did my makeup and I was ready for work.

I came downstairs and we headed out the door.

I got in the car and Link turned around in his seat to look back at me,"Happy Birthday Beth!" He adressed me cheerfully.

"Thank you!" I replied.

We all got to work and went to our office. I was setting up my space to get ready for editing videos and Rhett came over and tapped my shoulder,"Hey Beth. Why don't you just come watch the show and edit later?" He asked.

I turned around and my face grew a smile," Alright I will." I replied.

I followed Rhett and Link to the studio and took a seat on a stool next to Stevie. Rhett and Link obviously took a seat in there usually place.

I had no idea what they were even doing so I leaned over to Stevie."Hey what are they doing today?" I whispered.

"There trying diffrent types of Milk and guessing what animal it came from." She whispered back.

I chuckled at myself because I knew this was going to be just great.

"Today we try different milks from different animals." Rhett said to the camera.

"Let's talk about that." Link chimed in.

I watched them has they tried the different milks and laughed hysterically at there reactions. The video was coming to an end and Rhett mentioned something that was unexpected."Stay tuned for Good Mythical more has we celebrate my girlfriend's birthday!"

I sat there flabbergasted has they brought out a cake for me."Well come one over!" Rhett signaled.

I got up and walked over. I stand in front of the cake has they sing me happy Birthday.They finish the song and I blow out the candles. Mischievious has Rhett and Link are, they pull out silly string and spray it on me. "Ack!" I yell.

I notice the other bottles that are laying around, picking one up I start to spray them back. Good Mythical More was basically all of us and the crew members having a silly string fight. I would attempt to make an escape but Rhett would catch me by the waist, kiss me on the cheek and spray me with more silly string.

When the silly was all gone,we all sat back down breathless. I sat on Rhett's lap has they did there outdo."That's it for GMmore!" Link said back to the camera.

"Please leave a like and wish my girlfriend a happy birthday in the comments!" Rhett added.

Rhett tickled me, making me giggle has they ended the video. I gave Rhett a playful hit and kissed him. I got up back and went back to the office. I was lucky enough find an extra shirt on me so I took it and went to go change in the bathroom.

I found the bathroom and changed my shirt. Has I was walking out, Rhett came by and pushed me back in."Rhett what are-" He interrupted me by kissing me fiercely.

Not making any attempt to stop him, I began to kiss him back. Rhett pushed me up against the wall, still kissing me, he began to run his hands all over my body. I ruffled my hands through hair and let out a light moan has his lips travled down my neck.He stopped for a second and whisperd in my ear," You have no idea how long I have wanted to do this."

I pull his head back and stared into his hazel eyes."I have always wanted to do this with you too." I admitted.

Rhett smiled and we went back to making out.

I had thought about what I just told Rhett and I wasn't lying. I knew deep inside of me I had a thing for Rhett but being a married woman at the time I never expressed it.

In our little make out session we had lost track of time. We soon heard a banging on the bathroom door."Yo! I really need to pee! I don't plan on wetting my pants today!" Link shouted and continued to bang.

Rhett and I pulled away from each other."Damn,I was really enjoying myself there." Rhett sadly remarked.

"It's okay we will finish another time." I winked at him.

Rhett gave me a sexy look and kissed my lips one more time. We opened up the door and Link was standing there with a disgusted look on his face."I don't even want to know." Link shook his head and walked into the bathroom.

Rhett and I laughed. We stood there and faced each other in front of the door."So what should we do now?" I asked.

Rhett leaned down and started to kiss me again.Link came out of the bathroom and started to gag," Can there just be one time were I walk in and your guyes lips aren't smashing?" He pleaded.

Rhett and I laughed again,making Link smile a bit."So are you guys ready?"

"Don't I need to edit the video?" I asked.

Rhett shook his head,"I had one of our crew members do it for you."

I kissed his cheek. That was So thoughtful of him.

Link took us home and Rhett asks me what I want to do for my birthday. We settle on just staying home, ordering pizza and watching Netflix. We cuddle on the couch and watch movies till we both grew tired. We go upstairs and get ready for bed.

Has we lay in bed I lay my hand on his chest and look up at him."Thank you for the best birthday ever." I softly say to him.

Rhett kisses my forehead,"Your welcome." He replies.

We wrap our arms around each other. I bury my face into his chest and fall asleep. This day couldn't have been anymore perfect.

I wake up the next moring to find a note in front of me.

Went over to Link's house. Be home in a bit with some coffee.Love you!

I smile has I read the note to myself. Rhett was an amazing person. I seriously couldn't have anyone better. The fans and My mom for that matter couldn't have been more than happy for our relationship.

I happily sigh and grab my phone. I turn it on and I become overwhelmed on what I see.......

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