Chapter 8

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We sat there in a bit of silence while munching on our food. Link cleared his throat," So Beth.....Tell us a little about yourself?"

"Not much to tell." I swiftly said.

Rhett joined in the conversation," I'm sure there somethings that you can tell us."

I shook my head,"Why would amazing Youtubers like yourselves want to get to know a video editor like me?"

They both look at each other and looked back at me."We just want to get know our new friend." Rhett smiled.

Rhett brought up a good point so I knew I could keep them away.

I sat up straighter in my seat, folded my hands, laid them on the table and pretended I was being interviewed."Okay.....Mr.Neal and Mr.McLaughlin, what would like me to start with?"

They both laughed a little at my playfulness."Just start from where you came from." Rhett insisted.

"Well I'm from Colorado, Denver to be exact." I said.

"So your not from California?" Link asked a little bit surprised.

I shook my head.

"Well then what brought you here?" Rhett questioned.

I looked at the two of them and slumped my head down a bit."Gabe......Gabe was the reason I came to LA." I slowly answered.

They both just sat in silence. I gazed up at them and looked at them both square in the eye."Do you know why Gabe cheating on me hurts so bad?"

They didn't dare to answer. I could see a little bit of fear and guilt in there eyes. I toned down my gaze and spoke gently," I have know and loved Gabe all my life......we were childhood sweethearts. He, however, lived here most of the time and only came to visited were I was once in a while. When we were both old enough we started dating. It was long distance but we somehow made it work and stayed loyal to each other up through high school and college. When I graduated College I left everything behind to go be with Gabe," tears were forming in my eyes again has I looked down again," So it hurts deeply because I gave everything to him and loved him from the start. I thought it was going to be forever with him."

A tear rolled down my cheek. I felt something warm wrapping around my hands. I glace over and my hand then look up to see Rhett holding my hand. Link takes my other hand, which is equally has warm. The two give me a warm smile."We know it's hard." Rhett said sympathetically,"And we are gonna help you get through this." Link added.

I let go of Link's hand to wipe my tears but I still hold on to Rhett's. I give them I sigh and give them a smile,"You both are so sweet."

Rhett squeezes my hand and Link grins. They pay for the meal and Link takes us back to Rhett's place. Before getting out of the car, Link gives me a hug,"Don't be afraid to call of need anything." He whispers in my ear.

I hug him tightly before letting go.

We get inside the house and I turn around and give Rhett an Unexpected hug. He was suprised at first but he quickly returned it by wrapping his arms and resting his chin on my head. We held on to each other for a few seconds longer and then let go.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes," I think I'm gonna go to bed I'm exhausted."

"Okay.....Goodnight Beth." Rhett said walking over to the couch.

"Wait are you going to bed?" I asked.

"No....I'm gonna stay up a few more minutes. I Need to get ready for tomorrow's episode." Rhett replied, pulling out his laptop.

"I see.....well," I slowly came up to Rhett and pecked his cheek,"Goodnight."

I could see Rhett blushing has I backed away to go up stairs and get ready for bed. I take a shower and braid my hair before hopping into bed. I take out Rhett's jacket that I haven't returned yet before laying down because for some reason it helps me sleep. I curl up next to the jacket and breath in deeply. The comforting smell puts me to sleep.

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