Chapter 17

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I entered in the studio and walked down to the office. I opened the door and Rhett was sitting at a computer with ear buds in. I slowly walked up next to him and lightly touched his shoulder. He turned around and was shocked to see me standing there."Beth what are you doing here?" He asked in disbelief while getting up from the chair.

I didn't say anything. I walked up to him, got on my tipy-toes and gentley kissed his lips.I pulled away and looked straight into his Hazel eyes."I'm here to tell you......I love you." I replied.

He smiled and pulled me into a hug. In that moment everything that seemed lost or broken in my heart was fixed by just his touch.I knew very well that I was very much deeply in love with Rhett.He pulled away and for once stared deeply into my eyes."I love you to much." He said then pulling me into another kiss.

Behind his hazel eyes (Rhett and Link Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now