Chapter 1: The Beginning

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I lived in a 4 bedroom 3 bathroom house with my brother and parents. Our house was humble and it was perfect for us. We got along well, especially my brother and I. We had a friendly brother sister relationship with lots of teasing. Nothing was ever wrong in our family and we loved it. Some would say we were the classic "perfect" family. Until that night.

I was sitting on the couch with my family. We were watching Billy Madison and eating snacks. Right before school starts to get into the school mood. It was a tradition to watch Billy Madison before the next school year. I was 12 at the time going into 6th grade.

I ran up to my room that was on the second floor, for no reason in particular. It had to have been luck.....

I have never been particularly lucky but tonight I was. While in my bedroom I heard gunshots, those horrid gunshots, my eyes widened and I froze in place. Not willing to move.

"Gunshots?" I whispered to myself quietly. Panic rising throughout my body as I heard footsteps climbing up the stairs towards my bedroom.

I quickly crawled under my bed, obscured from sight by the blankets I kept under my bed. I saw a pair of black boots walk into my bedroom, the pounding footsteps felt like they were shaking my room. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest as my panic increased. I hoped they couldn't hear my heartbeat it was pounding in my ears.

"Don't look under the bed." I thought to myself.

The person in the boots walked to my closet and opened it expecting someone to be hiding there. I held my breath as they stopped in front of the bed, scared to make a sound.

They stood there a moment. Then the black boots retreated down the stairs and out the front door with a slam. I exhaled deeply and started shaking in fear.

I waited there for what felt like an hour before I crawled out from under the bed and walked downstairs, my heart pounding out of my chest. Then I saw them.... My family, covered in blood and lifeless.

Their faces pale, lifeless, and still.

Their figures blurred as tears filled my eyes. Then the sirens came.

"No." I said softly as I knelt down to hold my brother, blood soaking my shirt.

"No!" I yelled, my voice cracked from my crying. Tears streaming down my face furiously. Looking at my parents and brother, lifeless and stolen from me.

"Why? Why did this happen?" I sobbed. The police arrived, but too late... they were gone...


After that day I decided to become strong. To become someone who can protect people. I started to train from the moment I woke up to the moment I fell asleep. I needed to be strong. I needed to be better. I needed to prevent that from happening to others. I needed to be able to protect myself and people I would meet.

6 years went by and I was now 18. With physical training and intellectual training consistently everyday. I became much stronger, faster, and more intelligent. Instead of becoming cold from my sad past, my kindness increased, but I became more reserved. I became a beautiful woman inside as well as outside. I would never let people I love be taken from me again. After that fateful night, I made a goal to myself to be strong for others, and that first step...

To pass the hunters exam.

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