Chapter 14: 💋 Magic Trick 🃏

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"Can you show me a magic trick?"

His ears perk up and his grin widens.

"Well of course~ just pay close attention alright?~"

He pulls out his cards and I watch them flutter in his hands as he shuffles them skillfully.


He shuffles the deck then fans it out for me.

"Pick a card~" He smirks.

I take a card and it ends up being the seven of clubs. Then set it back into his hand face down. He shuffles them and tucks a strand of my hair out of the way and pulls out the king of spades. I widen my eyes surprised at the sudden appearance of a card.

"Is this your card?~"


I laugh and smile at him. He frowns then looks at the card.

"Are you sure?~"

He lays the card down on the ground face up.

"Yes I'm very sure Hisoka."

I laugh again. He pouts as I laugh at him.

"Oh I must've forgotten how to do the trick~ will you humor me and check your right shoe?~"

"Hm? Yeah sure."

I laugh again then take off my shoe and look in it... the seven of clubs sits on the padding of my shoe. My jaw drops and my eyes widen with shock as I take it out.

"How did you..?"

I hand it to him.

"Never mind you're not going to tell me are you..."


He grins at my reaction and takes the card.

"Will you do it again?"

He laughs as a devious grin spreads across his face. "You want me to do it again?~"

I nod. "Yes please."

He does the trick several times for me each time it somehow ends up in my shoe. And I just look back and forth in my shoe then back at him. More people begin to trickle into the room as time passes.

"Okay please do it one more time!" I beg, he chuckles and licks his lips.

"I think I've showed you enough times~ I don't know why you haven't mastered it yet~" He teases me while I pout.

"Hm~ okay, my dear. I will do it again, but I want something in return afterwards, deal?~"

"Deal!" I readily agree. "But I am taking off my shoes this time!" I grin up at him.


He says highly amused and excited by my quick agreement. He does the trick again and asks me to check my sock. I widen my eyes.

"No way..."

I slide the card out of my sock completely impressed.

"It was indeed in your sock~"

I hand him the card still shocked, then I slide my shoes on.

"I don't think I can take anymore tricks or my brain is going to fry as I try to figure them out..."

He chuckles, his eyes glint mischievously.

"Now (y/n) time for my payment for entertaining you with my tricks~"

"Oh yeah... I forgot about that."

I laugh embarrassed and nervously as I run a hand through my hair.

"Oh that hurts (y/n)~ I guess I have to make my payment even better~"

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