Chapter 3: Finding The Exam

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"Oh my, that could have been a lot worse." I say softly and remove my arms from Leorio's waist. Leorio and Kurapika finally make up and become friends. I smile softly.

I go over to Katso to check up on him.

"Hey Katso. Are you alright?" I walk up to Katso, asking him concerned for his wellbeing.

"O..oh y..yeah I'm good. That was scary for sure though." He says shaken up. I pat his back comfortingly and smile slightly.

The sky starts to clear up and the waves become less violent. I breathe in the salty air and look up at the blue sky. Watching the calming waves toss back and forth.

"It must be nice being a sailor." I say softly.

"Oh yeah it's nice and peaceful most of the time... just not when you're thrown overboard." Katso responds nervously and rubs the back of his neck with his left hand. An embarrassed smile spreads across his face. I laugh softly at his response.

I talk with Katso for a little while longer. I see Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio chatting it up happily. No more drama between the two older guys. I smile at the sight.

The captain steers the boat to Dolle Harbor where the other exam applicants and I will be getting off.

"Hey Katso, it was nice talking with you. Don't fall out of the ship anytime soon." I say with a playful grin across my face.

"Will do!" Katso just nods and laughs embarrassed. I wave then begin to walk off of the ship along with just Kurapika and Leorio, since the captain is talking with Gon.

Once we reach the map of the area Gon returns. I look at all the locations on the map. We are at Dolle Harbor and I need to get to Zaban City.

"Hmmm... I guess I can use the buses."

I break from my thoughts at Gon says the captain told him to go to the Lone Pine Tree.

"Oh, are all three of you going to The Lone Pine Tree then?" I question the trio.

"I am! The captain said to go towards it and I trust him!" Gon has the biggest grin on his face as he says this.

"I will go along with Gon." Kurapika says confidently.

"What?! Why are you going to listen to the captain?!" Leorio says with a surprised expression on his face looking between Gon and Kurapika.

"You know what never mind I'll just be taking the buses! I'll meet you there hopefully." Leorio starts to walk to the buses.

I say goodbye to Gon and Kurapika and tell them I'll see them at the exam site. Then catch up to Leorio.

"Hey Leorio want to catch the bus together?" I look up at him curiously.

"O..oh sure!" He says with a blush across his cheeks.

"Why not, I could use some company." His blush getting deeper.

I giggle softly as I walk alongside him. I decide to see how red I can make Leorio and brush my arm against his. Leorio looks straight in front of him but glances at how close we are walking every few seconds. His blush increasing.

"Hey Leorio, you're kind of red, are you alright?" I ask with a grin. He then answers while looking forward.

"Y..yeah I'm totally fine. It's just hot out here."

"Are you sure?"

"Y..yeah (y/n), it's just hot..."

I giggle then stop messing with him. I notice Leorio stop walking suddenly. He overhears a conversation then turns to me.

"(Y/n)! Did you hear that?! The buses to Zaban aren't even making it there!" An annoyed expression is on his face.

"Oh really? I guess we can find another way then." I shrug nonchalantly. I wait for Leorio to walk further with me then he turns the opposite direction.

"I'm going to catch up with the Gon and Kurapika! I'll see you there (y/n) don't disappoint!"

I giggle, "Good luck!"

I watch his lanky figure start to shrink into the distance. I continue walking by myself. I pass by the supposed "trap" buses and continue to walk to Zaban.

About an hour of walking later, I see a man seated on a staircase with his head in his hands. The man is wearing an old gray jacket, ripped up jeans, and some beat up sneakers. I walk up to the man.

"Hey excuse me sir are you doing alright?"

He looks up at me with his blue eyes analyzing me and eyeing my figure.

"No, I'm not miss. Could you spare something to drink or eat?"

I nod and slide my white bag off my shoulder and take out a plastic water bottle and hand it to the man. Then slide my bag back on.

"Here, take this." I smile kindly at the man as he takes the water, then I start to walk away. He grabs my hand gently to stop me from leaving, then stands up and speaks.

"Thank you miss, you are the first person who has helped me today. Several Hunter Exam applicants have passed me today and done nothing to help."

"How could you tell I was an applicant?" A surprised expression crosses my face.

"I can just tell." He showed a toothy grin and starts to pull me up the stairs with him. "Come with me, I am a navigator. I help exam takers find the location of the site every year."

I nod. "Okay, thank you sir."

"I have done this for several years, and never have I seen a test taker as lovely as you." He compliments with another one of his toothy grins.

"Oh thank you sir." I smile sweetly at him.

We walk up the stairs and inside of the building. He lets go of my hand and gestures me to follow him through the building. We walk downstairs into the garage and there is a motorcycle with the official Hunter logo on it.

"Alright miss are you ready to go?" He says with his toothy grin as he gets on the motorcycle.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Nervously I get on the small seat on the back of the motorcycle. My chest pressed against my navigator's back, and my thighs at his sides.

"Ready miss?"

"Yep." I answer hesitantly.

He notices my hesitant reply, "Don't worry it's quite relaxing once we start going."

He starts the motorcycle. I hear the loud startup and hold onto him tightly as he presses the gas to start heading towards Zaban.

Once he gets onto the road I calm down. My grip around him loosens. The wind going through my hair and the nice warm weather is very soothing. He steers through traffic easily.

"Oh this is not so bad after all...."

Once we arrive in Zaban City we head towards a restaurant. He parks the bike in the front and we both hop off. Walking into the restaurant my navigator talks with the man behind the counter and says something about a steak combo.

"Weird... I'm guessing that's the password for the exam, but this place looks too small to hold an exam. I guess it could be underneath, or there is a form of transportation to the site."

My navigator brings me to the back room.

"Alrighty miss I believe you will do great in this years exam. I would love to be your navigator next year if by chance you don't pass. Good luck."

He pats my back and flashes another toothy grin as he walks out of the back room and closes the door behind him. The back room that I am in has a table and a few chairs around it.

Right as the door closes I feel the room begin to move. I wobble a moment and I sit myself down in one of the chairs and think about everything I've done so far to become a hunter and the people I've met along the way. I smile to myself.

"I've already done so much, and it's just the beginning."

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