Chapter 2: The Traveler's Acquaintances

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*Beep Beep*

*Beep Beep*

I wake up and groan, hitting the off button to my alarm clock.

"8:00 am is way too early." I say to myself as I roll to my right side away from my clock burying my face into the soft sheets.

"I will never be a morning person." I think to myself and sigh.

After a few minutes I hear Meimei yelling for me to wake up.

"(Y/n)! It's time for breakfast!" I hear her call in her soft motherly voice.

Ever since my family was murdered I have been staying with Meimei, a family friend. I have been staying with her for 6 years since all of my other family members have passed away. Meimei has kind blue eyes and short gray hair showing her age. Meimei is a lovely woman in her 60s, she is like a grandmother to me. She has no current family living with her. Since she never had the chance to get married because of being so highly focused on work all of her life.

"One moment!" I yell from my bedroom throwing off my sheets and fluffy blanket. As my bare feet touch the cold hardwood floor I start to make my way towards the kitchen.

"(Y/n), are you ready to take the hunters exam today?" Meimei asks me in her soft tone.

"Yeah almost, I just need to pack my bag quickly and I will be ready to go. Thank you for everything." I say looking into Meimei's sweet blue eyes with my gentle brown ones.

"Of course dear. You are like a daughter to me." She smiles kindly. "Now eat up! You don't want to be hungry during the exam!"

I giggle softly and nod as I eat the breakfast she prepared for me, pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

After breakfast I go back to my room and pack my white crossbody bag. I pack a pair of maroon leggings, a black loose fitting T-shirt, underwear, two plastic water bottles, a green tea Arizona, bandages, snacks, and a pocket knife. After packing I put on a pair of ripped jeans and a black sleeveless turtleneck along with my classic black tennis shoes. I fix my wavy, long, blonde hair so it trails down my back with smaller pieces framing my face.

"Okay, I'm ready." I say to myself in the mirror and smile, looking back into my brown eyes with confidence. I put on my white crossbody bag and check my watch, which I always keep on my left wrist, then walk back into the kitchen to say goodbye to Meimei.

I walk over to her and wrap my arms tight around her small frame.

"I'm going to miss you." I say quietly as I rest my chin on her shoulder.

She hugs me back just as tight.

"(Y/n), you will do great things in life. Just visit me after you receive your hunters license." With tears in her kind blue eyes she looks up at me. "Okay?"

"Okay I promise I will." I look at her and nod as we break our loving hug.

"I will see you when the exam is over. I will be safe." I look at her and smile then turn to walk out the front door.

I walk through town towards the harbor where I am supposed to catch a boat that will take me to Dolle Harbor. Walking through town always brings a smile to my face. It is a pleasant sight to see all of the children running around and playing with one another. It makes me miss my brother, but I don't stay caught up in the past.

"I will see him again." I think to myself.

As I get to the harbor I see the ship I am supposed to board. I can't help but smile at the sight. A sturdy ship amongst the beautiful shining sea.

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