Chapter 12: 💋 Opened Door 🚪

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"Hm, weird I thought that my exit was already open..."

It was... I look towards the opening door and notice some gravity defying hair... Hisoka. I widen my eyes and blush realizing I'm just in underwear and a bra. Hisoka looks at me grinning as his hungry eyes take in everything. He walks towards me and wraps his arms around my waist then rests them on my hips.

"Mmm~ (y/n) you didn't have to dress like this for me~"

He grins and teases. I blush a deeper red as his hands rest on my hips and pull me closer running his hands along my bare sides. I feel a tingling sensation from his touches.

"H..Hisoka... I..I... uh..." I stutter and fail to make out a full sentence, he chuckles as he eyes me up and down and licks his lips.

"Speechless?~ I tend to have that effect~"

I get goosebumps from being out of the cold water and start to shiver. Hisoka looks at me with his smirk, then his expression changes. If I wasn't looking I would have missed it but he looked... concerned?

"Let me help you warm up~"

His smirk widens as he pulls me closer and wraps his arms around me tightly. His hands feeling warm against my bare skin. He lifts my chin and pulls me in for a kiss. Our lips interlock and my arms wrap around his neck.

I press myself tightly into him stealing his body heat. His tongue caresses against my lower lip then hungrily enters my mouth. He moans into my mouth intensely. His hand returns to my back rubbing up and down my bare skin warming me up from his touch.

"Mmm~ (y/n), just as good as I remember~"

My shivering reduces and he struggles to break the kiss, as if he could kiss me for hours. He looks down at me intensely. His eyes meeting mine then looking towards my breasts. His hands still moving over my skin. His hot breath touching my lips.

"Oh my dear, that was quite lovely~ but, let's get you covered up so we can finish this phase~"


"He wants to finish this phase with me?"

He looks at me in the eyes again. I look up at him curiously.


"Y..yeah, s..sounds g..good."

I say flustered, he smiles then removes his arms from around me. I remove mine from around his neck, missing his warmth.

"I'm guessing your clothes are all wet my dear?~"

He says while unwrapping his yellow jacket from around his waist and starts to put it on me. I nod.

"We can dry them off later~"

"Okay... thank you Hisoka."

"Hm~ of course, can't have my toy getting sick~"


I put the jacket on and zip it up, it fits like a large T-shirt, reaching slightly past my butt. It covered everything for the most part, and is... really cozy and not wet.

"Okay I'm ready to go Hisoka. Lead the way."

I smile up at him and blush lightly. He seems amused by my blush and wraps his arm around my waist pulling me close to him. My curvy side pressing into his muscular side. We start to walk through the exit pressed very tightly against each other. He groans softly.

"How has the Third Phase been for you Hisoka?"

I look up at him. He keeps looking straight ahead as we walk down the pathway. Lights start to light up as we keep walking.

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