Chapter 6: Wait... Strawberry Turtles?

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I sigh softly looking around the area. It looks like a swamp and there is an intense fog covering everything. I make my way to Gon and Killua who are bickering about who won the competition. Satotz tells them they crossed simultaneously. I smile at them happily.

"Great job you two! I guess I'll be buying both of your dinners now."

"Yeah you will, slow poke!" Killua teases. "Told you Gon and I would show you up."

"Yeah you did."

I smile and pat his hair teasingly.

"Hey stop that!"

He blushes then crosses his arms and tries to swat my hand away from his hair. I giggle then pull my hand away from his head.

"(Y/n) what happened to you while you ate our dust?" Killua teases while smirking.

I blush at the question thinking back to Hisoka. Killua picks up on this and smirks at me but says nothing about it. Probably going to tease me about it later.

"Oh..uh... I tripped and almost fell."

I say embarrassed and put my hand on the back of my neck. Gon looks over at me worried and grabs my face in his hands, turning my head from side to side seeing if I got hurt anywhere. I giggle softly at his motherly concern.

"Are you okay (y/n)?!"

He asks worriedly, his brown concerned eyes meeting mine. I smile at him.

"Yeah I'm alright, I promise."

He sighs relieved and let's go of my face. All three of us sit down. Killua takes this chance to interrogate me further to see why I blushed.

"How can you almost fall?"

"Should I tell them? It's probably fine right?"

" someone caught me." I blush.


Killua continues to interrogate with a mischievous smirk.

"It was Hi—"

I was starting to answer and blushing nervously right as Leorio makes his way out of the tunnel.

"Oh you two finally made it!" I tease and change subject. This doesn't go unnoticed by Killua.

Leorio looks exhausted with Kurapika right behind him. I look towards Leorio and gesture him to sit next to me. I take off my bag and pull out my water bottle and drink some then offer it to Leorio as he sits next to me.

He takes the water bottle and downs it.    "Thanks (y/n)." Leorio says while breathing heavily trying to catch his breath from the intense run.

"Hey Kurapika." Gon says.

"Is this our destination?" Kurapika asks looking around the foggy area.

"Nope not yet." Gon responds cheerfully.

"Hm, I see. It looks like the fog is lifting."

Kurapika says then Satotz the Examiner begins to speak once again.

"The Milsy Wetlands, also known as Swindler's Swamp. We must cross it to reach Phase Two of the Exam."

He continues to talk about the dangerous creatures that live here and how they deceive humans to eat them.

"If you're deceived, you'll truly die"

"That's not intimidating at all...."

I shake off the negative thoughts and stand up along with the boys. I get slightly nervous that the creatures are going to be really scary looking. I'm okay to fight them or run away... but if they look too freaky I don't know...

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