Chapter 9: Just a Kiss 💋

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Menchi has a massive pan with water in it to boil the Spider-eagle eggs. All of the applicants who got an egg and survived boiled them. They tasted heavenly too.

"Oh my gosh this is so good..." I say softly as I eat more.

"It's super good!" Leorio responds.

The other boys nod in agreement since their mouths are full of food. I laugh softly.

We all board the airship and Chairman Netero talks with us a little before reaching our Third Phase.

"I am Netero the Chairman of the Selection Committee for this years Hunter Exam. It is a pleasure to meet all of you."

"And I'm his secretary, Beans." The jelly bean looking man from the start of the Exam replies.

"I had originally planned to make my appearance during the Exam's final phase. But, well seeing as how I'm already here..."

He pauses and look at all of the applicants. I feel myself start to nod off but shake my head slightly to stay awake. Killua elbows me and snickers.

"I have to admit there's nothing I love more than this feeling of tension in the air."

Killua yawns to mock me as the Chairman continues. I glare at him for making fun of me.

"So, I think I'll stick around for the remainder of this trip." He laughs.

"We are scheduled to arrive at our destination tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. exactly. You'll find dinner waiting for you in the dining hall. You're also welcome to get some rest, of course. You're free to do as you please until we contact you. The evening is yours" Beans concluded.

Gon and Killua excitedly talk about exploring the airship and run off.

"They've got so much energy! Not me, though. All I wanna do now is crash."

Leorio says tiredly as Kurapika looks over at him I nod in agreement and blink a few times to keep my eyes open.

"Yeah I'm going to fall asleep standing up..." I say softly while looking out the window into the clouds.

"As do I. However, there is one thing thing that still concerns me."

"Oh, what's up?"

Leorio asks Kurapika and we start walking out of the main room down a hallway with windows along the outside wall. Kurapika asks how many phases are left in the exam. I grab onto Leorio's arm so I don't fall over and he pats my head. I completely miss whatever they are talking about and just want to sleep.

Tonpa walks over to us and says there are usually five or six phases in the exam. Then tries to convince us that the next phase could start at any moment without warning so we won't sleep.

"This man... trying to sabotage my sleep... not today!"

I shake my head from side to side trying to wake up. We walk away from Tonpa and enter an empty room. I speed to the wall and lay against it with Kurapika and Leorio at either side of me.

"I need to shower... but I'm too tired..." I whine and pout.

Leorio passes out right as he leans against the wall. Kurapika laughs softly.

"We do have till 8:00 a.m. (y/n). You have plenty of time to sleep and shower." He responds.

"I guess... but I feel so gross right now..." I sigh.

"How about this, I'll wake you up in an hour so you can shower."

I nod in agreement.

"Yes please... and thank you Kurapika." I smile at him tiredly then lay my head on a sleeping Leorio and fall asleep. Kurapika chuckles softly as he sees me fall asleep.

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