Chapter 5: Don't Fall

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A loud ringing noise feels my ears as the far end of the tunnel rises. A tall man in a suit with lavender hair holds the object that was responsible for the loud ringing. Almost everyone looks shocked as the tunnel opens.

I shake my head from side to side to get out of my daze from earlier. I look at the man with lavender hair with a shocked expression trying to figure out where his mouth is. I go on my tippy toes to reach Leorio's ear since he is quite a bit taller than I am.

"Leorio, where's his mouth?!" I whisper yell.

"I......don't know....."

He looks as shocked as I am as the man speaks without a mouth.

"I apologize for the delay. Thank you for waiting. The entry period for Hunter applicants is officially closed. So with no further ado the Hunter Exam will now begin!"

The trio around me gets excited and puts on determined faces right as the man says the exam will begin. I grin and shake Leorio's shoulders excitedly and nervously.

"Okay that man doesn't have a mouth which is concerning, but we're starting the Hunter Exam!"

I say excitedly smiling. Leorio grabs my arms so I stop shaking him. He laughs at how comfortable I am with him now and slightly blushes.

"Calm down (y/n) you gotta save your energy for the exam!"

"Okay, okay."

I wave my hands dismissively and fold my arms under my chest. Leorio's eyes direct to my chest then blushes. I obliviously get lost in thought again.

"I'm so excited to see how much stronger I've gotten since that night..."

I smile a bittersweet smile.

"They would be proud of me..."

I notice everyone start to follow the lavender haired man. Leorio grabs my hand so I don't get left behind and pulls me along with him.

"Ack! Okay I'm back, I'm back!"

I say nervously to Leorio.

"I really got to work on paying better attention..."

He laughs. The trio and I notice how the lavender man is picking up the pace into a run. He speaks again.

"How rude of me. I neglected to introduce myself. I am Satotz, your Examiner for the First Phase of the Exam."

"It is my responsibility to lead you all to the Second Phase."

"Second? Whatever happened to the first?" The bald ninja questioned.

"The First Phase is already underway."

The crowd murmured to themselves as Satotz said all we had to do was follow him to the Second Phase. Gon and Leorio think of the First Phase of the Exam as simple and weird. While Kurapika looks like he understands the mental and physical strain this Phase will involve.

"This is right up my alley!" Leorio says loudly while smiling.

"Awww I hate running." I pout while running beside Leorio.

The trio laughs softly at my response.

"Hey, it's not funny! Running is so tedious!" I say slightly annoyed and crossing my arms again.

"I can agree with that. Depending on the distance it can be time consuming."

Kurapika's calm voice responds.

A couple hours pass and we're still running and following Satotz. He's running like a robot with his massive steps and not even breaking a sweat. Kind of running like a Minecraft character not going to lie... I try to keep my breathing steady as I run so I don't tire as easily. My heart is pounding with each step I take.

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