Chapter 4: Magician?

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After being in the back room elevator for about 10 minutes I notice the room stopped moving. I stood up from my chair as the elevator door opened, and walked out. Once I stepped out of the room I noticed a change in atmosphere. The location was a dark wide tunnel with several different types people. There are definitely some intimidating looking people down here...

I walk to a table and a green, jelly bean looking man hands me a badge with the number 376 on it.

"Hello! I am Beans, this is your badge for the exam make sure to wear it at all times miss!"

I pin the badge to the left side of my black turtleneck.

"Okay thanks Mr. Beans." I smile at him and nod then walk around the tunnel to see if the trio of boys is here yet.

Walking through the different crowds of people I notice there aren't very many women taking this exam, I am probably one of like five... and the boys aren't here yet... I sigh.

Being my antisocial self, I walk to the left side of the tunnel, take off my bag, and set it to the side. I lean against a wall and close my eyes trying to rest for at least a little bit before the exam officially starts. Who knows what challenges the coming phases will hold. I fall asleep for about 15 minutes then wake up and notice the boys still aren't here. I sigh to myself and start to look over the crowd of test takers.

"There's quite a lot of people taking this exam."

One of the examinees I notice is number 301, a man with several pins in his face and all over his chest.

"He looks intimidating, I'll stay away from him..."

Another person who catches my attention is number 294, a bald guy who has been telling everyone he's a ninja.

Getting bored, I pull out my green tea Arizona to drink while I'm waiting for the exam to start. I pop open the top and start sipping the drink. The lukewarm liquid touching my tongue and running down my throat.

"Aww I wish it was still cold." I say to myself.

I sit crisscrossed leaning against the wall, occasionally sipping my drink. When a short stubby looking man with a blue shirt walks over to me, number 16.

"Hey there the name's Tonpa, you're a rookie aren't you?" He looks down at me.

I nod. "I'm (y/n), is it that obvious that I'm a rookie?"

"Yes, but it's easy for me to pick out the rookies now. After all I am practically a veteran exam taker."

"How many times have you taken it?" I ask curiously.

"This will be my 35th attempt." Tonpa says with a smile.

"O..oh you've sure taken it a lot." I look at him surprised and slightly impressed by his determination to take the exam so many times.

"I knew the exam was hard but is it really that hard?"

"Yeah it's no biggie."

"Well we should drink to start off our new friendship." A bigger smile crosses his face as he pulls out two cans of orange juice.

"Thanks, but I already have a drink." I hold up my Arizona.

"Something about his smile is weirding me out... and there is no way someone would be this friendly right at the start of the exam."

His smile falters to a look of annoyance then back to a smile. "Oh well that's too bad. Just take it anyway, you'll need to rehydrate at some point later during the exam."

"Yeah he definitely did something to that drink..."

"Uh alright I guess."

I hesitantly take the can from him and put it into my bag. Tonpa walks away looking creepily happy, then three guys walk over and start to talk with him, they look like siblings. I eavesdrop on their conversation and hear them call Tonpa the "Rookie Crusher".

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